Chapter 21

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Third Person's POV

The young couple were at school going by their day to day school lives just getting through different classes either alone or together during this Thursday morning which started off good with breakfast then getting to school and so far was going good just a bunch of decorations everywhere down the halls or each room all over the school building towards the gymnasium where the real party will start having food and drinks there, so the emo boy was looking forward to this fun afternoon keeping an eye at the lock being around only 11:15 am so getting closer to lunchtime soon and wearing his costume being a little mysterious alongside Lynn who was dressed like Jason Voorhees added a few little blood stains to the fake machete not only on the hockey mask being more scary looking for the most part crafted by Lucy remaining silent but interacted with her friends as Alex kept the silent act pretty good sitting next to her just staring off at the empty void at first was funny to the other kids then slowly freaked out most students learned it from her gloomy little sister too. "Don't worry guys! He's just putting on an act! So chill out" Lynn said putting up her hands to motion the rest to calm down a bit as Margo agrees with her best friend dressed like a zombie with her boyfriend being one as well to ease the situation now time passes to lunch which is good.

Lynn's POV

The jock was walking down to the lunch room feeling starved for some food slowly sliding her mask onto the side putting the fake sword onto the table sitting down looking over at her friends giving the look of please get some food for me which does work on them as Alex sat down across from her keeping the mask on wasn't really hungry much had a fruit snack earlier when walking to school letting him do whatever because this is a special moment for him to scare people by doing nothing, so she just finds it funny how beforehand he was somewhat scared of small stuff like the dark for instance or maybe some bugs than mentally wise with his past now bringing the fear to others by keeping the quiet energy of a serial killer. "You think he's going to keep that act for the entire day?" Lainey asked softly placing her tray down dressed red riding hood as her girlfriend Alice being the wolf sitting next to her bringing the rest of meals with the lunch lady's serving chicken nuggets/macaroni today. "Honestly it's Alex, so yes he will at least until the party is over because we agreed that if he can remain dark and spooky until party ends!" "Well whatever he's doing it's making the other kids terrified so working well!" She said smiling a bit giving her a thumbs up with Maddie is dressed like Frankenstein's wife as her boyfriend Katio is well Frankenstein then with Nadia is a princess alongside her boyfriend Theo being a prince looking more cute than scary agreed with her so turning back to her lunch food eating most of it. "Besides he'll be fine, just enjoying this very much but I'll miss my babe's cuteness!!" she said before chowing down on her nuggets then wiping some of barbecue sauce using a napkin keeping watch of her boyfriend eating some of his nuggets and macaroni but had to hold his mask a little to gently put in his mouth so no crumbs will spill on his outfit most of his cloak covering him. "Need some help love?" She said to him raising an eyebrow before seeing the emo teen shaking his head no than saying a word so she shrugs it off letting him do it till lunch was slowly being over as teachers would let them know going to the gym room where everyone else was getting excited.

Alex's POV

The emo teen was keeping his scythe close to his back added some blood to be more detailed looking which is fake from Lucy's help as well not only teaching him how to remain silent into the shadows and teleport around the room without making a sound, following the rest of the other students to the gym seeing the party lights going on and some tables set around the room for all kinds of snacks and candy then music started playing some of was typical old school then shifted into more new wave as everyone gotten on the middle of the floor with interacting and dancing together. He was sitting at the bleachers watching people having fun together not only keeping a close eye on his close friends especially Lynn to looking over at random people laughing at some jokes or shoving each around to the photo area where another teacher was taking a few pictures of some students dressed up in their costumes, then looks away at his hands opening and closing them feeling the absolute emptiness coming off his energy putting both hands onto his knees sitting like a villain in a chill mood had placed his fake weapon to the side of him slightly nodding to the music hearing some typical love/sex songs pretty much which was censored because usual school shit so lame until someone comes over to him which is Frans. "Aye AJ! My man hope you're doing good my friend...I got some more the stuff if you wanna meet me in the bathroom! I also smuggled in some alcohol from my parents parlor!!" He said in bragging fashion dressed up like astronaut signaling over to the exit which Alex agrees by nodding and walking down the steps following him to it.

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