Chapter 5

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(Warning rated M for violence)

Third Person's POV

Lynn was immediately backed up into a corner while at the front door looking very trapped by her sisters looking too excited like they all wanted to explode into million of pieces at first she didn't really understand as to why they're giggling very hard and jumping around the living room acting like sorta wild animals but no sign of Lincoln anywhere probably had a feeling this was going to happen and went upstairs to get a head start where it was safe, but for the great sports star didn't know what to do in this situation before aiming for the stairs getting an instant boost like the flash trying to make it to her room but no use when a whole Sisternado had formed sucking up everything on the walls in the house luckily their parents wasn't home went to get pizza to celebrate their daughter's epic win so unfortunately Lynn gets pulled right into it screaming in fear as the meddling gotten stronger but finally it stops where Lori was asking her little sister questions along with everyone else. "Soo!! Did he ask you out?" Lori said first grinning as Luan pops in asking her with another about their favorite new neighbor. "Will you two end up "sealing the deal"?" "Are you both going to get married!?" Lola said softly as Lana points at her sporty sister tugging on her socks to catch her attention getting all close. "Like is you guys tots gonna have babies!!!?" Leni said giggling all happily while Luna chimes in with Lucy next to her. "You're the amp to his guitar!!" "Could I plan a couples funeral for you in the future!?" Lisa now walking up to her dear older sister with a giggling mess though partaking in this activities can mess up her experiments but still asks her a Ludacris question. "Is it alright to get a sample of his DNA fluids to create a marvelous clone in case...mishappens!!?" as Lily just crawls speaking in her regular goo gaga tone joining the conversation.

Lincoln's POV

Lincoln had his door cracked a tiny bit where you can see only a pair of two eyes and his little white hair strand peaked out from the outside watching this meddling madness going down as he knows what's it like for 10 of his sisters to bud into his love life or anything like being bullied they'll only make it worse so he was willingly to help out Lynn in this situation giving her too many questions that are embarrassing and others wanting to unsee completely so the man with a plan decides to toss her a little rope, to get his fifth oldest sister's whispering away to catch her attention who immediately grabbed onto it while the rest were distracted in their love conversations. He closed the door completely barricading himself and his sister so the rest wouldn't try pry themselves in there "Yeah it would seem the meddling has happened again only this time it was Lynn! Ever since she started hanging out with Alex things were slowly leading up to this moment...especially the soccer game where he complimented her and now my other sisters are going insane with this not the first time! Meddling has completely overloaded the weather so it's always best to take cover!" He said to the audience turning back to the future athletic star who looked like she'd seen a ghost with her clothes a bit tattered hair all messy with her high end ponytail. "LINCOLN!!! Thank god you saved me from their meddling!!! I can finally see why you don't like that now" she said breathing heavy from all the adrenaline of nine sisters berating her with those questions. "Yeah I had to get you out of there! I knew something like this would happen...why you think I don't talk about Ronnie Anne in that sense!?" He said to her having to hand his sister a bag of chips in case she was hungry since their going to be in there for a little while.

Lynn's POV

"Me and Alex are just friends there's no relationship involved!! I mean why can't a boy and girl have a healthy friendship with no love at all blehh!!" She said to her brother sitting down on the bed next to him who was listening to her rant had been given a bottle of water just in case she was thirty or something but going back to the conversation she didn't want any of this to happen with her sisters butting into her business that involves Alex as the equation as Lisa would put it, seeing how crazy they can when things get out of hand in their way and to make matters worse they're literally playing the waiting game in her brother's room because one step out there is like making a touchdown but tackled a couple times in the process hoping not receive a concussion. "All we are is just friends! Can you believe there's this thing called shippers?" She said confused about what it was but Lincoln stops her answering that question. "Oh it's where two people who would work together in a relationship! your ship name would be Alynn or Lylex.." He said to her calmly with a small smile but makes the tomboy raises a brow which her eleven year old brother to shrug softly knowing it must've been Lori gotten to his head or something. "Y-Yeah anyway that whole shipping thing can go jump off a cliff for all I care!! It's not gonna happen..." she said folding her arms looking off at the ceiling before laying down signing tiredly knowing this isn't going to stop. "Well I mean it's not a bad thing! You two do share the same interests and he does like your personality, with your strong sense of never giving up and you're awesome at every sport you can do plus both love to have fun and competitive mind!!" He said to her happily supporting his sister patting her back then pulls away while Lynn was taking in his inspiring words has gotten her to think more as of lately things have been different since the emo boy has stepped into her life was in a fetal position with her head down for a moment had finished her bottle of water had tossed it aside and knowing Lincoln will throw it out soon speaking of which she turns to him ready to throw a punch to make the white haired boy flinch which he does but unexpectedly gets a hug from her as he returns the favor. "You're welcome Lynn I'm always here to help out my sisters!.." he said softly smiling a bit as he was waiting for it to happen only to relax and leans up to the door no meddling anymore as he lets his sister know before heading back to his bed who is very glad that's over for now but she smirks releasing a big fart in the room quickly grabs his covers immediately suffocating him for a moment yelling out. "DUTCH OVEN!! Thanks again Stinkoln!" She said running out his room to her own/roommate's as the white haired boy was coughing and wheezing pulling his bed sheets off but was still happy for his sister still before falling over chuckling good thing the door is opened.

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