Chapter 17

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Third Person's POV

Today was now another average Friday morning after a week of painful events which turned out better for the emo teen to be celebrated for his little welcome home party, so he was mostly staying home because of his little wound injury still hurting but patched up by some form of stitches and bandage wrap on his stomach would either remain at his own place or going to the loud house hangout with his girlfriend and her family like usual. Right now he's relaxing in his bed looking at the ceiling with his phone on his left hand using headphones to bobbing his head listening to music then scrolls down on his contact seeing Lynn's parents than herself to Lincoln and Clyde since he's aware of his girlfriend being at school so was the rest of the loud siblings which can be boring at times of loneliness yet glad he still has people around him at all.

Alex's POV

He started sitting up on the bed wearing just plain black pajama pants on with a white tank top on feeling so relaxed yet getting out of his room still listening to his music dancing around the halls, doing a little two steps going into a graceful spin then began to air guitar his way over to the stairs going to the kitchen and making some zombie cereal as the emo teen was just walking over to the living room sitting down on the couch eating his meal then turns on the tv watching some sports or something good. "I'm just having a good day so far at least I don't have to go school but just have to wait for my girlfriend to come back home!" He said to himself sighing out of bummer feelings but laying his head on the railing of the couch feeling so relaxed and a little lazy but took the cereal bowl into the kitchen to clean after a two minutes all cleaned then came back into the living room still winces a bit from the pain but enjoying his little day off from school.

Lynn's POV

The auburn haired girl was walking the halls with a tired/chill like mood greeting other people passing by her with another good game like usual gained some popularity over the years, she has won a few more trophies would always have her gloating days especially board games with her family, then other times with her boyfriend beating him at races or go karting or chicken fighting at the beach and maybe on the low just teases him at other stuff that she's good at but mainly missing her boy because he has to remain at home due to his wound but at least can still walk around. Lynn didn't want to treat this like her older sisters with their respective lovers missing them if their not psychically around each other in a day didn't want to be all sad about it, yet this is understandable and knowing he adores her a lot she does too but doesn't need to be the obsessive one as she's going to her next class which is biology which isn't so bad sitting down at her own desk with one palm on her cheek and the other on the table putting on a lab coat using some goggles to cover her eyes being all nerdy but notices a flyer about a Halloween dance party coming soon so gives her an idea about maybe asking Alex to come since he'll like it on Halloween too so keeping that in mind before class started with a few kids and their teacher comes walking in.

Third Person's POV

The rest of her school morning slowly shifting into the afternoon was filled by other classes being all boring but wasn't so much without her friends being around to help keep her company at the moment maybe around sports or outside in the courtyard after some baseball practice, so Lynn wasn't exactly alone having a little bit of a girls day out but might as well do that at some point since having a break from just being around her boyfriend so much which he wouldn't mind at all has noticed her getting so attentive to him yet reasonable so the sporty teen had just finished her daily classes and decided to call him while walking over to the side of the school with her friends in the background talking amongst themselves waiting for their best friend. "Hey Alex, I'm going to hangout with my girls for today! If that's cool I hope you don't mind?" She said pacing around a bit waiting for his response since she doesn't want to blow him off or anything just needs a little space after a week like this and catering to him. "Of course it's fine you deserve it! You've definitely been taking care of me lately" he said giving a small smile on the other end. "You're the best babe! I'll surely hangout at your place later when I get home okay?" "K have fun my love bye!" He said hanging up the phone had began to place it on the small table continuously watching his shows. "Okay guys let's go have some fun!!" Lynn said raising her hands up in such excitement as her pals were doing the same knowing the first place to go.

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