Chapter 18

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Third Person's POV

It was now the weekend since Saturday mornings are always the best parts by doing nothing after a long week of draining events, so the sun was rising from the horizon becoming more visible enough to shine through all the windows including the ones that aren't filled with much loudness such as the louds from across the street but mainly their young neighbor was slowly fluttering his eyes opened trying to stay awake as soon as he sits up slightly sleepy from his dreaming didn't have much of a shirt on which is usual yet wouldn't seem to notice that he isn't alone in the bed when turning over to his right seeing his favorite jock just peacefully sleeping in such a slumped position having her left arm on the pillow and the other on her stomach with his hoodie zipped to where only showing the middle section of her bra area as the rest of her body was covered by the blanket even showing her long hair had came down from taking off the rubber band felt so rare seeing her do that looking all adorable.

Alex's POV

He couldn't help but blush lightly at the moment of seeing her this knocked out since many other occasions would be regularly snoring, added some little bit of drooling, taking some of the covers for herself, fool around when it comes to dutch ovens or wrestling each other when rough housing at his place or doing other fun activities at night like this with protected gear. Now it's not that him thinking of having a child with her isn't a bad thing but their young and aware that takes a lot to deal with, so he doesn't want to think about that right now until their much older to handle and the young man was slowly getting out the bed walking over to his door gently opening and closing it from behind letting her sleep since she would often sleepover at his house either doze off from watching movies or skating at the park and whatever else they'll do their thing together. He walked down the hall passing the guest room with a few family photos up on the walls then looks ahead to see his parents bedroom before stopping himself to just breathe softly and kept on walking downstairs towards the kitchen checking the fridge for any leftover meals which there was yet he wants to make some breakfast and does a whole montage cracking a few eggs, using the spatula to flip over and made some omelettes putting into only two plates which he puts in the dining room across the table with his own beside Lynn's seat making the montage end and sitting down to start eating his breakfast remembering his phone was upstairs charging didn't want to wake up his precious tomboy so leaving it alone only to afterwards finish and cleans his plate going over to the living room doing his exercises.

Third Person's POV

Alex had always push himself to do more push ups or sit ups which isn't too hard just keep his core strength up, then finally for a few minutes later had finished up laying on his back catching his breathe for a second looking up at the ceiling before putting his hand on his forehead slowly standing on his feet stretching his arms and walks over to the couch sitting down in his living room surfing through some channels finding it boring to watch any sitcoms or mainly the news a lot. He couldn't bare the thought of looking at that sad stuff he always seen on the news and just didn't want to be sucked into the mindset of feeling hopeless ya know, as he began to think about some old memories of his mother just looked so happy and full of life some of it being a little foggy yet wonderful moments viewing it through first person from being piggyback ride or being at the playground on the monkey bars until falling down hurting himself then his mom came to his side helping his little scrape on his leg now coming back to reality when hearing his name being called out by the now awake tomboy.

Lynn's POV

The sleepy tough athlete had slowly rise from her slumber rubbing her eyes using the hooded sleeve to realize he wasn't there and began to crawl out of bed going downstairs smelling some food was made as this puts a warm smile on her face knowing that her boyfriend is still willing to make some grub even if he's very tired being such a gentleman about it, so she walks over to the living room noticing the tv being on and assumes he is just relaxing at the moment then slowly tip toeing a little close enough to try and startle him by grabbing on the ledge of the couch jumping out at the young male which work looking caught in a daze to her so tries to catch his attention. "Alex?, hey Alex!!..Alex you good!!?" She said a little loud only for enough towards the two of them to hear not any of their neighbors didn't want to get a distress call again leaving a whole misunderstanding but she manages to a
snap him out of it at least.

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