Chapter 19

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Third Person's POV

It was now Monday morning as all loud children were at school already so knowing how chaotic it can be without planning ahead that's when Lincoln came through to help his parents get their younger daughters in the van now for his older sisters which is only four since Lori already went off to college wasn't that hard to deal with as the white haired boy had to do some head counting first before giving his parents the ok about leaving for school as for Alex to be walking to school by himself feeling better about his little stab wound had healed up still being careful looking over to see the louds waving at them before heading off seeing Vanzilla drive off getting a morning wave back and getting a little text from Lynn about some Halloween event this week so keeping that in mind before quickly walking to his school all smoothly and happy bopping to music.

Alex's POV

He walked into the building a few minutes after Lynn aware she's in class meanwhile waving at a few people with his usual small smile feeling glad he's getting some acknowledgement and returns back his kindness to the other students then facing forward looking at the flyers on the wall about the Halloween party happening this Thursday in the gymnasium starting at 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm making him interested so why not go to the event with his girlfriend, he'll have to get a costume to fit the party since soon enough will be Halloween and having plans to go trick or treating would be fun for the young male since he and Lynn can get some candy together. The emo teen kept on walking over to his locker feeling excited about this idea passing by more people just remaining in his own world before putting away his drawing book and other things as he often draws at home whenever he isn't around his girlfriend and does hang around her little brother's friends. 'I'll just have to figure it all out from here!" He said to himself heading off to the bathroom had started to quietly talk to himself putting his hand on his face rubbing his cheek out of comfort feeling a bit dazed.

Lynn's POV

The sporty tomboy was just placing her palm on her cheek looking very bored and just a little tired from the weekend though wasn't too much, so she was keeping to herself waiting for class to start already as the teacher was walking into the room for the majority of the time the athlete kept her thoughts about the Halloween party will happen on start. She was focusing on the work taking a few notes still receives some tutoring from Lisa of course not much hasn't changed over the last four years, so she was still paying attention more on what's in front of her not just the main plan on Thursday. "I'm gonna wear something different later that Thursday night to maybe surprise Alex!...surely he'll love it but for now something scary like usual" she said in her mind feeling a little excited but remained at the board with more time passing as class ends finally giving her a break for now. She knew that her boyfriend had some counseling to handle, so she has time to come up with different ways to be scary just has to ask her little sister Lucy for advice.

Third Person's POV

The two teens managed to see each other in the halls passing by the other giving a small wave before parting away going into different classes remaining engage yet hearing other people talk about their dates to the party since it wasn't that special just little decorations all over the gym room fitting the Halloween spirit, so both of them were equally excited being around their friend group to join in and have a good time as the day was passing by with more classes that no one else really cares about at all. The emo boy had some bathroom breaks to going back to his other classes still has some form of counseling that only happens on Mondays so the most part would be in there speaking on his thoughts about his school year has gotten better lately as long as he's around his girlfriend bringing him life. "So far this school year is going great for me! I do appreciate my life more than before and without Lynn I wouldn't be where I'm at now!" He said to his counselor who is actually Dr Lopez giving her thoughts to him on some typical congratulations about the whole thing. It has been working out perfectly with his anger issues even Lynn would come here to speak to their counselor either one on one or each other, middle school was hell for him due to those pricks causing his misery that reached his boiling point when Lynn was put into the picture by badly speaking her name and led to him beating the shit out of Randell a couple of times the last one led to himself being put into the hospital almost near death yet survived and even his girlfriend could've killed him rightly so after all of suffering he causes the emo boy.

Alex's POV

The emo teen had finished his time walking out of the room heading back to his other classes just enjoying his time while thinking of the jock that is always on his mind whenever their not in the same room longer in a day, so he kept up on his work just taken some time to goof off a bit more to relaxing mood in some art class this kept going until finally reaching lunch time where he was able to see his girlfriend again at the table with her friends sitting down next to them and began talking about anything that came off his mind before eating his food then finished his meal which isn't always so good being school food after all and feeling such a average day being there as nothing too exciting happened just a regular day until it was finally time to leave the building so he quickly follows after Lynn and her group to the door. "I'm glad school is over for today! I'll have to get prepared for Halloween party then later on when the night comes!" He said to her softly making a calm smile walking next to the sporty girl and her friends would went their separate ways back to their home leaving them two alone. "Yeah me too! I know the exact costume to put on, so don't overthink too much but I also asked Lucy for some advice on it...of course leave the Duchess of darkness to come up with great plans" she said holding his hand tightly walking down a few blocks to the store filled with Halloween decorations then searched off for his costume since it's been a while growing out of the Halloween spirit, he kept searching around the different sections of the store before looking at ghost/skull like mask now figuring out for the outfit itself since he'll go for maybe a cloak underneath is a long sleeve shirt with big stripes on them, his regular jeans and converse to match the killer vibes then picking up a scythe to fit his costume will keep it for the party then on Halloween night. "This should work for me! I'm all set for this event" he said to himself going over to Lynn showing her which approved then goes over to the cash register paying for all of it.

Third Person's POV

The two teens walked out of the store with his belongings going back to his house trying on their outfit becoming his own scary killer instead of being someone else, so the young man was very pleased with this idea putting on the outfit and fitting the role of being a reaper adding his own accessories such as his chains on the side of his pants to his snake ring to look more alt/creepy aesthetic to it then taking it off after a while putting it away and had started to head over to the loud house hanging out there to typical babysit Lily as Mr and Mrs loud were out on their date night as for her other older sisters/brother at their friends house respectively leaving both Lynn and himself alone with the five year old girl watching some movies and laughing together. "This is so much fun playing with you Alex!" Lily said happily being whooshed around like a superhero by his arms then safely landed on the couch as he agrees with the little girl who can speak having such a great time then turning to the sporty girl walking downstairs in her bedroom clothes on after a long night sitting down on the couch looking back at the two of them with a cocky smile. "I get to have the remote now! We're going to watch some monster trucks!" She said excitedly to them as the teen and toddler were now saddened by this giving the puppy dog eyes wanting to continue watching some cartoon movies like spongebob for instance which Lynn wasn't giving in at first crossing her arms being her turn to use the tv since he was distracted by her little sister but finally gives in which both cheered in happiness to use the television. "You're lucky I love you! Otherwise I'd pin you down—never mind!!" She cut herself knowing the rest but didn't want Lily to hear so covering her ears as what was being said to her boyfriend was muffled but the expression of a nervous smile appeared just chuckles before uncovering her ears then finally going back to playing and one by one the loud sisters came back home after a long time so did Lincoln who take over watching Lily which leads to the remaining loud sisters to fight over the tv like usual but Alex was caught into the mix getting beaten up unfortunately as that ends with a great night as usual.

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