Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

Lynn's soccer game was starting at 5:15 pm now being Tuesday so the following day is about school getting through classes, ignoring people that wasn't remotely around the sporty girl's friend group at all, just pass through regular events till it's game time as these thoughts were flooding Alex's mind just focusing on his friend more importantly than anyone else in this building he'll going throughout the end of the spring since summer has to rollout then after come back for the fall so the emo teen was walking down the halls remembering Lynn's words keeping his calm doesn't need to worry about those idiots from his first day but has to watch his back just in case they'll try anything at all but is holding his backpack tightly checking his phone to see what time it was only 7:30 just for breakfast hasn't been first period yet which is math as Lynn wasn't with him right now cause getting a head start in making to social studies.

Alex's POV

He remembered her parents were at first disappointed with their fifth daughter causing more trouble without being aware of the situation that had happened with himself being bullied, so he really appreciates her a lot for taking the blame it wasn't her fault at all and after her explaining in full detail of defending him at school cause of harassment from the other boys. Rita and Lynn Sr had understand the reasoning was allowing her to go soccer game tonight since they can tell she truly cares for him from what Lincoln told him with the help of ease dropping yet again last night, so he was feeling all kinds of happiness that he couldn't help but to crept a warm smile. "Lynn actually cares for me...of course as her friend you would too for someone whose willingly to look out for their buddy platonically. Though I can't shake the feeling on how truly beautiful she is...wait what I am saying!? She probably doesn't feel the same way...let's just get through today to watch her play tonight!!" He said in his mind going over to his locker placing his stuff away quickly walking to his first period where it was at first boring yet learning all these variables but still worth to gain some knowledge in the meantime with other people he doesn't know or even wants to at this point.

Lynn's POV

The sporty teen had made it first to school with the help of VanZilla again, didn't see her main boy best friend in school yet doesn't take long to get there using a skateboard but had to get her little keister to first period didn't have too much time to wait for him like she would've wanted so he doesn't feel unsafe since yesterday, but promised herself that won't happen again with her around and the brunette athletic star was running to social studies finding it so boring but what other options she does have but to sit there deal with the teacher spewing on and on about some history stuff. She had her arms folded on the table paying attention just looking out of it already with her chin placed in between thinking about if Alex is alright since she knows little stuff from his style choice is like Lucy but interested in sports and taking her own in sparring matches such as the great sports champion herself yet wasn't enough to know everything about the guy that she admires as her friend. "I should probably ask Alex a few questions about himself since we know each other's interests sort of...but not full on backstories! After the soccer game I'll have some one on one time with him....maybe go to the carnival with just my family and him!" She said calmly thinking it over before agreeing with that decision help both of them getting to one another on a personal level but some time passes making her first class ends as everyone in the room leaves for physical education her favorite activity obviously since on one hand seeing her friends then a new added to their group which is Alex so hopefully things should go great.

Third Person's POV

Alex finally finished his first class having to take a few notes in his labeled social studies book putting it away in his book bag before leaving the room as he didn't talk much as others remembers him from the beat down yesterday and some teased him for getting help from a "girl" that could fold you like a human pretzel, so he was just ignoring didn't want to start anything which would lead to Lynn finding out then things escalated even further with a full on blood bath which he doesn't want to occur so calming himself down with little breathes while leaving the classroom doesn't want any detention for his actions either. He was looking at his little schedule for his second period which was gym feeling so glad Lynn was there of course that's her favorite thing she's good at so he had to go into the locker rooms to change into his little gym outfit which was a grey shirt and red shorts with his regular shoes then is stretching on the other side of the gymnasium from the other kids to be alone while waiting for their teacher upon being patient he sees his familiar girl best friend that's a girl at the front door walking in and went over to her giving a fist bump as she does the same in happiness/chilling away. "Hey Lynn! Glad to see your in this class I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up?!" "Are you kidding sports is my life!...I wouldn't want to miss it for the world and nice gym clothes imma go change!! Be right back Alex!!" She said running off to the girls room as he nodded softly sitting at the bleachers relaxing a bit and seeing other girls walking by who looked around Lynn's type of people with acting all tomboy and burping a little bit has him figured it out. "Well they seem to be LJ's friends so that isn't bad maybe I'll go say hello!" He said to himself standing up and heads over to them introducing himself.

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