Chapter 8

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(Warning Rated M moments of PTSD)

Third Person's POV

A little boy was slowly walking downstairs to find something looking a little bit tired rubbing one of his eyes to see better as he continues heading closer to the kitchen area where the light was on and rest around the child was dark looking forward to see only two shadows a-line from the floor had formed to the wall, he couldn't exactly make out what was going on but witness a male  and female arguing as it sounded all muffled yet getting louder by the second making the child cover his ears until things shifted where the man actually slapped the woman's face about two times making her fall over to the floor holding her cheek softly but the yelling still continues with the older male. "YOU JUST DON'T GET IT...IM TRYING TO TAKE CARE OF US!!! BUT YOU JUST WANNA LEAVE!!!...WITH THAT MISTAKE OF A CHILD..!!!" the man yelled at the woman who from her shadow looked fearful/worried something else might happen so the young boy was trying to walk a little closer to the kitchen but felt so frozen as another yell can be heard this time from the mother. "YOU INSANE BASTARD!!! IF ANYTHING YOU'RE THE ONE KEEPING US TRAPPED!!...I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE!!!" She said quickly stood up and shoving him away sobbing as things had gotten worse when running out the corner of the kitchen, the boy wasn't able to touch her pants leg going through like a ghost seeing his would looked to be mother head downstairs to the basement never returned but slowly he turns to see a four fingers slowly grip onto the corner of the wall as eyes peering out glowing red with a low growl but the seven year old was very stuck sweating frantically until finally the dream ends with a pair of eyes had woken up seeing that a present Alex with his face full of terror couldn't process the nightmare and couldn't feel specifically Lynn on the couch anymore slowly laying from his back to the left side on the pillow trying to calm down.

Alex's POV

The emo teen couldn't exactly understand why he was having those dreams again there's nothing he did wrong but unfortunately exist in this world as he recalls his father, so he was slowly trying to sit up on the couch breathing heavy to calm himself down using his hands to push his body upwardly lay onto the side as he looks around seeing some sunlight come through the windows with the tv being off at the moment smelling some food actually being made in the kitchen so he was slowly walking over to see it was just Lynn Sr who turns around sensing someone by the kitchen only to happily greet the teenage boy good morning. "Oh hey Alex! Good morning to you I was just cooking some breakfast!!...the kids and Rita aren't awake yet but Wanna help this old man cook some bacon!?" He said softly smiling at his little neighbor/future son in law since at this point is he's already gotten along with his kids and in a happy relationship with his fifth daughter so why not be apart of the family plus it is a Sunday morning so far going good. "N-No Mr loud!...I'm not exactly feeling too good right now..." he spoke quietly looked away  to zone for a moment only to hear a few words from Mr loud but slowly becoming tuned out. "Hey is something the matter? you need......." The eldest father said with concern before the smoke alarm going off as he immediately yells to check the eggs hopefully not to burned meanwhile for the emo teen staring off into space with the loud beep  in his ears before reopening to have a static transition from the past only viewing from his little boy hands and feet clenching from fear when seeing a big hand reaching out to snapping back into the present as he jolts back shockingly before stepping out of the kitchen slowly runs off to the bathroom.

Lori's POV

The very tired Lori was scratching her head from behind had very little bags underneath her eyes after getting a good nights rest, but was heading to the bathroom had smelled her dad's cooking that slowly made her awake at least yet nothing like a hot shower to get rid of the sleepiness away. So the popular senior closed the door unnoticed of someone else being in there walking over to the first thing she sees which is the shower faucet turning it on with the head quickly splashes and pulls the curtain to be met with Alex sitting in a fetal position but covered in water screaming and frantically moving away which scares her to scream. "AHHHH!!!" "GAHHHH!!!!" they both yelled in unison before the senior asks him irritated/confused with the look of questioning the younger teenager. "Alex?! What are you doing in here" "I'm sorry...I didn't know you was coming in here I'll go..." he said climbing out the tub covered in some water closing the door behind him as he was looking bummed out but still tries to act calm like everything was all good. "Normally I expect this from my weird nerdy brother! But this is definitely strange..." Lori said to herself slowly getting suspicious when peeking from the door to see her little sisters boyfriend walking down the hall to Lincoln's room then goes back to her morning routine.

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