Chapter 9

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Third Person's POV

Lynn was still in the basement with Alex had her arms wrapped around the emo teen's body placing her left hand on the side of his face laying on her shirt in comfort using her other hand to rubbing up and down his back while he was crying away his feelings shuddering a bit, she was remaining silent for a moment to have the young male to let it all out until finally asking him the deep question that has been on her mind a lot ever since she brought it up last time at the carnival just didn't know how he would feel to give her the answer because lately things have been wonderful between the two of them to this point should be time to get some truth. She wanted to help give him some form of healing and didn't ever see this boy broken, of course she wouldn't understand how he feels but is very willing to listen to his story.

Lynn's POV

Lynn never seen this side of him before so she wants to understand what happen to make this boy feel and look so terrified. "Alex...I know you don't want to hear this've got to tell me what happened in your life maybe that'll help you regain some closure or give you some peace...what don't you wanna remember?" Lynn said softly looking up at the wall keeping her lover close to her body with some back rubbing and forehead kisses to just ease the pain away to help him relax, she wants to understand him more on a personal level since even her tough self is deeply rooted from being bullied in her first year of middle school which led to her becoming more aggressive and compulsive behavior over the years. "O-Okay I'll tell you my past...but you'll swear never tell the others for now...not until I can build the courage to tell them" Alex told her in a serious/sad manner wiping away some of his tears when slowly sitting up being so close to her face couldn't help but to shiver from the consistent breakdowns though the images remained on his mind. "Of course I promise! I wouldn't dare tell my sisters or brother...just please help me understand..." Lynn said calmly caressing his face wiping a little bit of his tears taking out a napkin rubbing them off his cheeks good thing she had one from the kitchen to wipe off any crumbs but never expected this to happen.

Alex's POV

" when I was little my life was good like every other kid! Growing up I had a nice house and very loving parents as my mother named Selena and father named Andrew. So living in New Jersey at the time it was very good suburban neighborhood and I used to be the odd kid in the corner talking to myself as other kids would pick on me a lot so even back then gotten bullied." The emo teen was explaining to her going on about from his childhood in school about being lonely from other children towards his mom and dad about their parents that lead up to his dad eventually resulting to alcohol after losing his job from being an accountant as things wasn't so peachy at home. "My dad kept on arguing with my mom a lot and would stumble across them in the kitchen or the dining room...just became worse!!" He said looking down twiddling his fingers as Lynn was listening with a calm look holding his fingers rubbing them gently. "And from then on he just kept becoming more...angrier I was stuck in middle, so when mother couldn't take it any longer....that night was a lot for me had changed everything.." he said sighing tiredly trying his best to continue without slowly stopping then gets the courage to complete his sentence. "I had walked downstairs after my mom had went down in the basement never came back, then I decided to go check and came to find out when finding the lights I turned see her hung by the heater thing like your lightbulb is as my dad came down was in distraught so what he do next...blamed me for it. I was then constantly yelled at to more verbal then physical abuse from then on until he just eventually left as I gotten used to that pain...the final straw was just being battered and beaten to a point where I couldn't do anything about it! Just learn to take it like a man I here we are with abandonment and attachment issues.." He said closing his eyes as more little tears was rolling down his cheeks letting out quiet coughing after a while of being so broken. "THAT'S BULLSHIT!!! It wasn't your fault to begin with!!! He's psychotic liar!! Your dad doesn't deserve you at all!! The stuff you've been through alone...It wasn't right! I wish we've could've meet sooner Alex!! If I ever saw that man..I'd beat his ass!!" Lynn yelled out in anger loud enough for the two of them to hear it didn't  echo out of this room yet covered her mouth to be more quiet so others wouldn't hear them. "I know but that's what happened...after all of that we've moved here I just got nothing but blame from that man...then he decided to leave me behind and I just learned how to take care of myself like an adult! I've met Lincoln one day at an ace savy convention we'd immediately bonded and his other friends then that fateful night for his sleepover the rest is history.." He said as a pair of hands were cupping his face making the young man look at the brunette sporty girl in awe as little tears came down feeling her embrace. "Why Lynn?..why would you go so far for me?" He asked in question as his arms hanged down on both sides before slowly holding onto her shirt.

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