Chapter 12

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(Warning Rated M it gets brutal)
Third Person's POV

It was now a boring Monday in the middle of morning so the young Jefferson was stepping outside his house wearing some sleepwear like a white t shirt with black pants has on some brown sandals opening the door checking the mail, then immediately tosses it to the side before going back inside the house the time was about 6:30 am so made himself breakfast then gotten ready for school going across the street to greet the fellow loud family who were immediately leaving the house for the day to start going to Vanzilla but returned their good mornings back with some waves or hugs from the younger sisters as he waits for his favorite athlete to come outside by the porch wearing his signature black/white plaid flannel hoodie with his earbuds jamming out to rock music.

Alex's POV

"I know she's probably getting ready since last night was amazing to sleep off but I'll just wait here for the number one champion Lynn Loud!~" he said speaking very highly of his girlfriend since he does support her in everything she does or praises his best friend because if it wasn't for her than he wouldn't be here or maybe just left in the background of the crowd guessing so since he hasn't put into too much thought about what if scenarios so turning to see his white haired best friend coming over to him with a high five. "Ayee Lincoln!! Good morning my brother!" He said giving the younger teen a little fist bump then pulled him in for a brotherly hug which he returns back. "Good day to you AJ!!! I know you're waiting for Lynn she's almost done but gotta go!!" He said happily running off to the van going inside waiting for Lori to drive soon as Alex walks down the little steps going over to side checking his phone for a second seeing it was from Francisco of all people about some weed after school so the emo boy responds back saying he'll be there before putting away his phone and getting a sudden feeling of someone quickly tackling him down to the grass in a playful way.

Lynn's POV

the rough housing athlete was walking downstairs all dressed up for school wearing her usual attire had changed up her cleats into some red air Jordan's going over to front door had waved to her parents goodbye leaving the house upon spotting her favorite person in the world whose is still jamming out to music as she immediately ran down the little steps surprising him with a quick tackle to the grass holding onto his back getting a good laugh out of doing that. "Ha I caught you lover boy! I was thinking about you all morning~" she whispered in his ear before letting go as Alex was steaming a little bit before letting out a small chuckle when she gets up and pulling him back on his feet quickly then gives the lonely boy a quick peck and hugging him all loving. "Good morning to you Lynn, as always you're full of energy I'm already to head out now" he said grabbing/holding her hand passionately as she agreed not taking the van with her siblings since a nice simple walk will do for her. "Yeah I'm ready to get through a boring day at school! Let's chop chop since I have baseball stuff" she said calmly walking with him to the sidewalk had waved off to her relatives before leaving their home to school.

Third Person's POV

The young couple was walking a few blocks to get to school on time but mostly racing each other passing by a few students as Alex was so excited to win against the sporty tomboy she wasn't taking any of that either boasting on about beating him in running laps so they gotten closer to the school building which ends up being Alex this time after all of this time of losing against the great Lynn sanity either through board games, sports, even playing rough each other from time to time when they were freshman in high school to now the emo boy winning the race as he was just jumping around gloating a little bit to Lynn but walks over giving a passionate hug. "Looks like I win this round! Huh Lynn?!" He smirked softly looking down at the great Lunatic Lynn who just sarcastically brushes it off laying her head onto his chest seeing how much he's grown over the last 4 years especially his hair when it grew to his upper back area only the front to be hanging down on his face so every often get some gel to curl or blow dry it out to be wavy long hair she would help do his hair along with Leni to make it cleaner and gives him a little flower crown sometimes to fit so Lynn would get lost into his eyes for a second before quickly pecking his cheek then playfully punched his shoulder before running off to go inside as he follows after her with a soft grin.

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