Chapter 20

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(I'm sorry if this feels short just not feeling it tonight...but I appreciate and love you all) (2022 Update Rated M: Sadness and some violence )

Third Person's POV

It was a Wednesday morning as the emo teen had first started waking up to get some breakfast then finishes to brush his teeth, taking a quick shower, and plopping on some clothes running out the door seeing his neighbors doing the usual walking into VanZilla going off to school, only one walking across the street to his lawn being Lynn giving him a passionate kiss and hug then both proceed to go to school together only being one day left before tomorrow afternoon for the party as he felt some excitement holding her hand tightly intertwined then leans in to kiss her cheek before turning back to the street going down a few blocks eventually makes it to the school building passing by other kids with a few waves as their first class was gym was always fun doing that together or separately.

Alex's POV

"I'm guessing today will be kinda slow because of the Halloween party happening tomorrow, so nothing much is going on!" He said to her softly standing tall looking at their classmates seeing how their gym teacher Coach Keck was prompting them to do some exercises as he is doing the same thing before the class was able do whatever and remained on the left side playing some basketball with his girlfriend and her group then later on the bell was ringing ending the match with some full court as the girls beaten him and the boys. Now Alex had to walk out the door following after the others going into their separate ways to different classes before him walking straight down putting his hands into his pockets and looking off at the other lockers feeling bored then placing his hand on his hair ruffling a little bit while heading to science class now just emotionally tired. "God damn it can today just go bye faster!!" He said to himself sighing tiredly slouched over before walking inside the classroom.

Lynn's POV

The sporty girl had went to English class feeling a bit tired herself seeing how slow this week is going by wouldn't have to feel all mopey if she wasn't excited about the party tomorrow yet have boring so far with today and the classes somewhat going on then just hanging out with her friends during that time, so she was sitting down in her own desk looking around for a second sighing a bit before placing her hands onto her head rubbing her ponytail remembering some moments of taking it off in secret just to feel girly before finally wrapping it back up. She actually recalls her boyfriend texted her during a little test about letting her hair down more often as this made the athletic teen just blush taking note of that idea and sees her English teacher walking into the room beginning their session with his students as she sighs a bit thinking to herself. 'When will school end?!! This totally blows' before cutting off the clock as time passes making the day feel easier yet tiring more.

Third Person's POV

The clock was ticking a lot faster as many students were walking in and out of classes just either talking to each other or giving short interactions, before leaving the hallway going to other parts of the building as a lot of them were heading to lunch time eating their food just enjoying themselves later on the bell rings as all of them proceeding to each of their last class of the afternoon time then mainly the lovely couple was meeting up again in language class being all bored together pretty much with the rest of the other classmates that was going through the same amount of boredom/tiredness of the school day then finally few minutes later school was over and all students had left the building as the two teens were walking and talking feeling so glad they escaped that prison was always fun doing sports than the other stuff comes with school is always a buzzkill at times. "Finally free from the hellhole! I can't wait for tomorrow never felt so empty out of today?!" Alex said to her softly sighing laying his head onto her shoulder still holding onto her arm with his own wrapped around gently and for Lynn to agree keeping his body close to her while walking down the street. "What do you say we go eat some pizza? Help recharge our batteries I promise it'll help later we can just go skate do other stuff today?" she asked cheering him up with a kiss on his cheek then rubbing his back who accepted that idea following her to the pizza restaurant where both of them was enjoying their meal throughout the day to go out running a few laps and push their limits like usual than just sit around at either her home or his to watch some tv and going to the skating park fuel themselves with energy being in the hot sun all day but he suggests another little trip the two should go to and it was something different less happy. "Hey Lynn...I actually wanna go visit a special someone so come with me! I want to share this moment with you okay" he asked her kindly. "Of course Alex I'll go, whatever it is I'll do it as long as I'm with you my wonderful stud muffin." She said with full of happiness so the couple drove on his dirt bike to their detour first getting some white/yellow flowers then headed off to their destination. Lynn wasn't exactly sure where Alex was taking her, she looked at their surroundings passing by a bunch of buildings until they've reached a graveyard which dawns on her and he gets off the bike taking her over to pass by the tombstones nobody else was there. Alex had stopped in his tracks from the moment he actually finds his mom's burial ground, placing the flowers onto the grave and sits down in front of it. "She wanted to be buried here instead of New Jersey, I remember her talking about how she always wanted to move out and stay in Michigan than stay in that melting pot of a house we used to live in. There's nothing else to say than just miss her  and hope she found the better place." He told Lynn in a empty/sad tone holding himself in a fetal position as the jock holds him close in comfort her boyfriend for a while until it was time to leave heading over to Mr Loud's restaurant with her family present to get some little milkshakes together in small booth lighting up the mood until the unexpected happens. A man of who seems to be in his mid thirties but muscular having a similar wavy long hair similar to Alex's in a brown leather jacket with a white buttoned up shirt underneath with a few beverage stains, a black beanie, blue jeans and some boots. It didn't take long for Lynn to notice the guy at the table who had some of the characteristics of her boyfriend just from his looks and eyes, which leads to Alex noticing the older figure who does the same locking eyes which confirms the question by the older man himself while everyone were talking amongst themselves until this happens. A-Alex?..So you've actually stayed alive and grown up huh?..well I'll be! You also have a bitch now too?" "Can't say about your mother whose death you caused" Andrew nonchalantly spoke in such disgust with a smirk that everyone in that restaurant was dead silent. Lynn stood up from her seat show pissed she was at the man disrespecting her boyfriend, the jock was clenched her left fist tightly enough to where if she were pound the table it would immediately break in half. "Listen here you deadbeat son of a—hey!? Alex wait what are you?" Lynn was soon cuff in mid sentence by her boyfriend placing his hand on her shoulder, he got her attention remained calm but very serious. He would actually stand up implicating that he's got this walking over to his scumbag father and stands tall with a serious glare. "I didn't expect a piece of shit to pop its way back into my life again? Don't you ever speak on my mother like that again or else! You are a terrible father to me! Leaving me in that house pretty much gave up on me like that!! Just looking at you makes me sick!! I don't know where to begin with you! You're nothing but a coward!" Alex clapped back with anger/frustration against his dad to a point where small tears formed. Andrew was surprised to witness his child have some backbone. "Wow! You actually grew a pair and talked back to me! The question is what are you going to do about it, if I don't stop it's your fault she's dead! You worthless piece of sperm! I also heard you got stabbed, it's a shame that you didn't die just like your mother!" Andrew confidently told him with his arms folded then shoves him down to the floor. "Sir! You can't just do that to your own son! What kind of father are you!! Fathers are supposed to love and nurture their children you're just evil! I'm telling you to leave my restaurant if you lay another finger on him! I'm calling the police!" Lynn Sr interjects defending his son in law pointing to the entrance as Rita agreed filled with nothing but hatred towards the man as all the loud siblings completely agree with their parents. Alex just gets back on his feet already had enough of this, all that anger built up over the last 17 years of his life it's come to this point so the two started fighting outside the restaurant with Alex being first thrown out into the doors as Andrew was beating the living daylights of the poor teen without a care a lot of broken glass was everywhere and Alex wasn't taking that any longer so does a quick run up punch across his old man's face making his nose bleed and everyone was in utter shock/terror including Lynn who couldn't step in to help her boyfriend out because she probably end up getting hurt. The jock was so terrified to watch this go on any longer while her dad was calling the police as other customers were actually trying to break up the fight but was no use. "Your new family is just weak little bitches like your girlfriend!!" Andrew mocked him before spitting on his left shoe which makes the emo teen really pissed off. "DONT YOU DISRESPECT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!" Alex yelled out in rage before he rushes at his dad starts beating the crap out of him by kneeing his stomach to punching him across the face, he kept seeing nothing but red as tears was coming down his face and just immediately head butting his forehead to kicking him in the balls just going ham on that man as some blood was on their clothes and their faces not just  etc. "YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE IN MY LIFE ANYMORE!! KEEP MY GIRLFRIENDS NAME OUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH" he yelled at him in anger while punching until finally cops had shown up breaking the fight completely and putting his dad some handcuffs, he was charged for child, neglect, a bunch of other stuff too. Alex was taken to the hospital, he got patched up with a some small bandages on his face, Lynn was already at his side comforting him along with her family never expect something so insane like that to happen tonight. "Alex...Dad is an awful person, I don't even know where to begin with that bastard! He did so much terrible in your life. I don't know how you'd put up with him for so long but I'm happy that you got a chance kick his butt! Now can't wait to see him arrested on the news!" Lynn said in a worried way becoming more soft and holds him close giving a kiss to his forehead before nuzzling him with her own. "It's okay Lynn! I didn't expect to see that trash again! But he's now going to prison and I'm happy that I have people in my life that do care about me ya know! I wasn't going to let him disrespect you like that or my mom..."Alex said in a calm tone before slowly breaks down into tears as the loud family watched in awe before joining in the hug with them. "It's okay to let it all out Alex! You are loved by everyone here and we're so happy to have you in our ways lives!" Rita spoke happily to her future son in law comforting him as Lynn Sr does the same in agreement. Halloween was just around the corner, they wasn't sure if trick or treating is going to be a good idea due to the fact there could be crazy people out there or some weird mythical creature thing that only Lucy might know about but hey they've survived much worse especially almost getting killed by that bear when Alex went camping with the loud family still a blast up until the end escaping with their lives yet a crazy evening for the couple to unfold from visiting his mom's grave to fighting his own dad who showed up out of nowhere rightfully deserved his beat down after disrespecting his own dead wife truly scum of the earth.

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