Chapter 22

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(Warning: Violence will occur...)

Lynn's POV

The sporty girl slowly opened her eyes had felt the sunlight crept into her room laying her head close to the pillow held it tightly before pushing her body to sit up on the bed covered by the blanket half way just looking around the room for a second before letting out a quiet sigh remembering last night but couldn't exactly shake the feeling she is going through that was guilt and facepalming herself for a second with messy hair then noticed her younger sister Lucy isn't in the room thankfully but remembers about the poem. "I-I'm not gonna tell the others yet...only Lucy knows...yet maybe today will be different." she said to herself with a tiny smile getting out of the bed walking out yawning tiredly had to keep her cool to not bring any suspicion from her siblings just going about her routine to get ready for school not talk about yesterday then suddenly bumps into Lincoln. She didn't quite mean to do that but instead of apologizing she has an attitude, who wouldn't blame her after not sleeping well and going through conflicted emotions from last night probably best to not tell her siblings since they'll be on Alex's side which is fine but doesn't want more guilt.

Lincoln's POV

The young white haired boy was waiting line for the bathroom holding his toothbrush and paste in one hand, feeling sleepy from his slumber but felt something hit heavy had bumped into him so quickly turned around looking at his older sister who seemed more out of energy than him given it was an early morning after a long school but decides to converse with Lynn. "Good morning Lynn, you definitely look like you've hit a bus?" He said noticing how she looks too tired to really say much at all or stand a little leaning on the wall but wanting to still try and talk to his sporty sister. "I'm fine Stinkoln! just need to shower, besides aren't we all tired from school!" She said crossing her arms being a little defensive/cranky waiting in line with him. Lincoln then shrugs a little out of annoyance sensing her little morning attitude as everyone in this house can be that way waking up at 7:00 for school so shrugging it's off for now, but keeps an eye on his sister in case she is trying to hide something. He knew her sister will eventually get out whatever funky mood she was in and doesn't want to pry into her business or anything otherwise an earful wouldn't be best to deal with at 7am in morning on a drive to school probably be more embarrassing around other classmates to pick on him.

A few minutes later

It was finally the jock's turn to enter the only bathroom in this house so she checked to be sure the door was locked, didn't want anyone to come in without knocking and spy on her little mirror conversation casually brushing her teeth at the moment then spits out the toothpaste to rinse it all away. "Okay LJ, just relax and go to school maybe I'll just apologize! Since it wasn't right saying those things and lying to him..." she said feeling depressed after last night even had a dream about the situation which ended up leaving her alone in the darkness, so the sporty girl calms herself down before taking a whole shower then left the bathroom letting her other sisters to get in for one of them to freshen up for today as Lincoln been done. She started walking to her room changed into her regular outfit before heading downstairs greeting her loving parents as Lynn Sr turned to embrace his daughter so did Rita all happy and well rested. "Hey Kiddo! How's my shining athlete today?" Lynn Sr asked his fifth eldest child. "I'm alright.. Dad! Just getting some cereal but afterwards I'm walking to school I'll see you both later!" Lynn said as Rita gave her daughter a warm forehead kiss then hugging her child, letting go to make some French toast being a little repetitive but good enough to eat so Lynn didn't mind at all just wasn't obviously in the mood for that then ate some breakfast walking out the kitchen to the front door waving at her parents goodbye before leaving the house as her siblings were driven to school.

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