Chapter 7

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Third Person's POV

Rita and Lynn Sr decided would be fun to go have fun in the great outdoors for the weekend instead of remaining inside all the time with electronics, so the loud kids wouldn't be too sucked into their devices or being cooped all in the house. So what better way to do this by camping in the woods and spend some quality time even Alex can come along since he doesn't need to be left alone either it's better showing the young teen to be little adventurous or touch the grass, so he was packing what's left of his clothes for their trip being in Lincoln's room actually since he would either sleep in there or the living room wouldn't matter as long as Lynn was by his side he'd be all good who was in her room getting all prepared. "Hey Linc! It's very cool of your parents to let me go camping with you guys, I really appreciate this a lot" Alex said softly smiling at his best friend who was giving him a small grin. "Oh no problem Alex, Mom and dad were thinking it be best to be outside instead being in here all day! Besides you're a great friend in general and my sister loves you obviously!! Haha" said the white haired preteen who packed a few things involved flashlights, some snacks, bugs spray, and a whole tent. Alex nodded softly couldn't agree more with his little friend because the loud family does see him a great influence on their life has lately been cooking in the kitchen serving some meals every now and then with Lynn Sr sometimes Rita too.

Alex's POV

He was walking out Lincoln's room heading over to the twins room checking to make sure they had all their stuff packed for the camping trip being helpful for his future brother in law even going far as to check Lana's shoes were untied and rounding up her pets to be in their cages then walks over to Lola's side of the room to polish any of her winning trophies to be shiny clean then making sure her bags were packed up for tonight. "Okay all your stuff done  Lola I'm off!" He said softly waving to the blonde princess leaving their room, heading to Lisa/Lily's room who seem to be all ready so no need and looks ahead seeing Luan and Luna got their camping bags together with the ponytail jokester tells him a joke. "Too bad there's no wifi in the mountains but you'll find no better connection! Hahaha get it?" She said giggling a little bit as Luna just groans in disappointment yet turns to the emo boy with small grin. "Thanks for checking little Dude! We're all good here" she said holding onto her stuff with Lori and Leni were walking out of their room with bags following after the others. "Ooh~ are we staying in a mall!!!" Leni asked her siblings looking very excited and cheery like usual but that wasn't the case at all with Lori giving her a better answer. "No Leni we're going camping..." Lori said being the oldest out of loud siblings with rest being downstairs in living room as Lynn comes walk down the steps with slowly healing left arm keeping a very optimistic/energetic mood joining the rest so was Lincoln. "Okay kids! Everyone got their bags packed for the great outdoors!?" Lynn Sr said softly looking as just excited as his children with his wife but missing one more person. "You guys forgot me again!" Lucy said appearing out of nowhere leaving her family scared except for Alex holding his stuff all ready to leave standing beside his girlfriend holding onto her good right arm after the screaming he watched all of them walk out the door before locking it completely as their pets were all fed with food and everything with the help of the emo teen.

Lynn's POV

She placed her bags in the trunk of VanZilla with everybody else's stuff all together so the brunette sporty sister was heading to the back of the vehicle where she can watch all of the road as there wasn't much electronics been placed in the basket like phones and all that stuff and waited for Alex to get inside so everyone else can get in after the two of them being in the middle as the oldest to the front and youngest to back still has a broken arm only fair for the school jock to get in the van first before the others could. "Hey Alex sit by'll have better luck not being hurled by Leni!..." she said smirking a little remembering last time the absentminded sister would tend to get sick and thrown up on Lincoln before plus the other time when all of them tried taking the sweet spot in the middle didn't end too well with Alex to agree of not wanting to be barfed on so he walks over to his girlfriend's side sitting down as Lynn was watching her other sisters getting in after him with her parents at the front seat ready to leave in order for their family and neighbor to be off on the journey to Ernie. "I am looking forward to camping with you guys! First time for everything I'll say haha!" He said chuckling holding her fingers with his intertwined as he looks out the window seeing VanZilla moving out the driveway onto the street before driving away from the royals woods neighborhood to the forest.

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