Chapter 41

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

"How did you even hear Hiro?? He said that so quietly!" I say shocked as we start walking out, leaving the twins in their room. Gogo rolls her eyes softly saying "we're in a small room, I'm just the one who actually addressed what got said." I look at Wendy to see if that's true, so she nods which made me sigh and look down. Hiro gently grabs my hand again as I say "I'll tell everyone tomorrow, I already dealt with too much today." Wendy was the one to ask this time "what happened before I found you two?" I groan at this.

Hiro chuckles saying "that involves weirdness that'll be explained tomorrow" we had to basically pry Fred away from Soos. Then after that we got Wasabi from Ford and we're out the door on the way back to my house. "You'd think the first person (Y/n) would want to see is her mom" Fred jokes, so I shrug my shoulders. "I guess it's just been a while, I got a bit detached" I say with no emotion at all, that got everyone looking at me. "What do you mean??" Wasabi asks, so I think on how to explain what I mean "I mean, we didn't keep in contact - she sent me away."

Fred's eyes widen at my wording "wow, I don't think I could ever be like that to my parents" "I was sent a long way from home. I got attached to different people I'd call family, went through more with them than I ever did with my mom. It's easy to forget the people who you haven't done much with" I add and just look forward. We're walking through the forest again, so Wendy says "wellll, I gotta get going back home myself. I'll see you guys tomorrow" "later" Gogo says to Wendy and she walks to the direction of her house.

We walked in silence, but I felt eyes on me again- this time though I stop walking and close my eyes.. just hearing the wind blow by. "(Y/n), what're you-" Hiro got cut off as I finally realized where the eyes are watching from. I turn to my left and say "I know you're there, just come out" Gogo looks at me confused since she's to my left too. "Are you feeling okay?" Gogo asks, but Adam comes out saying "wow, I didn't think any of you would know I'm here." Wasabi girly screams as Fred actually screams normally while jumping into Wasabi's hold.

Hiro and Gogo look at me shocked "I felt you watching earlier, I just didn't know where you were" I say and cross my arms. Adam's eyes widened as a small blush forms, but Hiro had realization hit him as he narrows his eyes. "He was watching us earlier?!" Hiro asks, so Adam nods saying "yeah, and I have a bit of advice for you, (Y/n)." Gogo raised an eyebrow saying "why only for (Y/n)?" Adam chuckles and puts his arms behind his head. "Because from the 'weirdness' it's gonna effect her in a bad way if she isn't careful."

My eyes widen as my arms drop to my side, but Wasabi sets Fred down while I look at my friends/boyfriend scared on this. 'How does Adam know how dangerous it could get?..' I think to myself confused as I look back at him. "This could go one of two ways, depending on how you react to it" Adam says and puts his arms back down. Then he holds up a finger saying "one is Weirdmageddon happening all over again" we all froze at that. "What's the second thing?" Fred asks, so Adam closed his eyes as he holds up another finger.

"Everything you call normal will change, and nothing will ever be the same again - especially with what you choose to control" Adam explains. Hiro was the one to set his hand on my shoulder, but I look at Adam confused again. "What do you mean by 'what I choose to control'?" I ask, but Adam smirks at me saying "you'll find out soon enough." Then it looked as if he just ran off really fast "he disappeared!" Gogo says shocked, so so raise an eyebrow at her. "Whaddaya mean? He just ran really fast" I explain and lift my hand up while pointing where he ran off to.

Wasabi looks at me confused though "kid, he disappeared-" "this probably is more of that weirdness" Hiro says while looking at me. I nod saying "true, let's get back to my house and deal with it tomorrow- I already dealt with enough today." Fred picks me up saying "I gotcha covered, lil cuz!" Then he starts running, so I chuckle while shaking my head. "Fred, I can walk on my own" I say as the others are having to run to catch up with us. Fred just says "no family of mine is gonna go through so much and then walk!" Hiro groans at this.

"You're just jealous because you weren't the one who got to carry her" Gogo says teasingly to Hiro, but that even got me blushing. With that I hide my face in Fred's shoulder, but he easily figured out what I'm doing and laughs a bit. Wasabi chuckles too as Hiro groans in embarrassment, so I look up slightly to see that we're here. I jump out of Fred's hold and walk into the house, everything being... really different since I was here. It's as if mom cleaned everything and got the house re-done– which is weird, she doesn't like change.

This is the biggest one yet out of them all, but she walks out of the kitchen-.. younger?! My eyes widen as I think on if that's mom or not. She looks at me and smiles saying "(Y/n)!!! It's been too long" she says and hugs me, her voice barely sounding different. I felt so tense as I hug her back saying "yeah, you can say that again" then I nervously laugh. She stands up and says "oh, I guess it has been - I re-did the house, don't you love it??" I just blink. "It's.. a lot, but you don't like change" "I thought you'd bring guests, so I got this done before you came back."

"I know Thanksgiving is in a few days, so I made my famous burn-your-face-off-hot-wings!!~"


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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