Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v

After getting in the bathroom and a stall I instantly start to change my shirt as I roll my eyes softly 'why did I pick that habit of Dipper's?? It's the most annoying.' Walking back out I accidentally walk into someone and groan as I fell on my butt "sorry, (Y/n). Wait, I didn't think you'd be here tonight" "I thought you knew I went here" "I do, I just didn't think you'd come tonight. After that whole being arrested and everything" I nod in understanding and remember the money. Grabbing it out I count over the money quickly and see that it's 1,200 dollars, so I half it with a big smile.

Hiro's eyes widen "you still have the money?!" He whisper asks happily, I nod my head saying "ya know it, Toothpick" Hiro rolls his eyes softly. "I still don't see why you keep calling me that" Hiro says and grabs the money from me with a playful eyeroll. Chuckling I say "then get some muscles!" Then I lightly punch his arm, so we laugh softly. That's when I notice the lollipop in his mouth "aw, dude! I thought we agreed to share whatever candy we get." Hiro looks at me with a blank face as he says "Baymax gave it to me, he didn't give me two."

I roll my eyes playfully, but see Robert Callaghan walking our way "hey, Professor! I was just finishing up on some of my work." He nods and sees Hiro "you must be Hiro, bot fighter, right? When my daughter was younger.. that's all she wanted to do." I smile softly at that, but he says "may I?" Hiro looks at his bot and says "uh, sure" and hands over Megabot. He starts to look at Megabot saying "Magnetic-bearing servos" I hear quiet footsteps and see Tadashi and Fred. Hiro then says "pretty sick, huh? Wanna see how I put them together?" I laugh a bit at the question.

That got me a confused look from Hiro as Tadashi says "hey, genius! He invented them" Fred chuckles a bit at Tadashi's words. Hiro was shocked, then he looks at me to confirm it, so I nod my head a bit as my smile grows. "Y-You're Robert Callaghan.. like as in, the Callaghan-catmull spline, and Callaghan's 'laws of robotics'?" Hiro asks shocked. Robert then says "that's right, ever think about applying here? Your age wouldn't matter." I smirk and wrap my arm around Hiro's shoulders as he got Megabot back in his hands.

"I don't think so, Professor... he calls this place the Nerd School as he's pretty serious about bot fighting" I say and watch as Tadashi and Fred start walking. Callaghan walks by their side as Hiro looks at me with a soft glare, but playfully shoves me a bit. "W-Well.. kind of serious" Hiro says as we follow the three towards the front of the school. Callaghan then says "I can see why, with your bot" he looks back at Hiro then looks back forward. "Winning must come easy" Callaghan finished, so I say "yeah, pretty much" then we finally reach the elevator.

Callaghan then says "well, if you like thing's easy, Hiro, my program isn't for you, we push the boundaries of robotics here. My students go on to shape the future, nice to meet you, Hiro - good luck with the bot fights." After that we start going back out and I notice Hiro stopped at the front of the school and just starts looking up. I roll my eyes softly and follow Fred as we start walking back towards the mansion, finally!- I'm gonna get sleep. When we're in I go straight to the elevator before Fred and stick my tongue out at his pouting face and go up.

We made a bet/agreement that whoever gets to the elevator first gets to be the only one to use it as the other has to use the stairs. On my room's floor I walk out and walk towards my room, closing my door and sigh softly. Going towards my dresser I grab out my pj's and change quickly before I jump into bed. Grabbing my phone I put it under my pillow, waiting for tomorrow to come so I can just relax. Tomorrow's Saturday, so there's no school, but I can still try to work on the math for my hoverboard.

Right when I get close to sleeping my ringtone for Hiro starts going off, so I groan and quickly decline the call. Sighing in relief I get back to trying to sleep, but Hiro's trying to call me again, so I groan annoyed. Grabbing my phone I answer the call and say "Hiro, it's-" I look at my bedside clock and groan softly. "Close to one in the morning, why are you still up??" I whisper ask so I wouldn't wake anyone up. Hiro shuffles on the other side of the phone as he says "I just wanted to tell you I wanna go to that school."

I deadpan and rub the bridge of my nose saying "that couldn't have waited until tomorrow?" "Not really, no, but you should come over tomorrow." "I was thinking on it, I still have my own random project that I've been working on, Hiro." "Wait, you've been working on something too?? Is it something like Baymax!??" Hiro asks out excited. Laughing softly I roll my eyes saying "no, it's not really a 'help people' type of project, dude. It's more of... a fun thing for people project" Hiro then says "okay, now you gotta tell me, (Y/n)."

"Dude, I'll just tell you tomorrow, I'm really tired-" "(Y/nnnnn).... come on! We're already on the phone, just tell me." "It's a literal hoverboard, one that can hover above any hard surface, okay? Now can I sleep?" I ask tiredly. Hiro fanboyed a bit as he says "yes" then he hangs up, so I laugh softly and put my phone back under my pillow. After that I take a bit to get comfortable on the bed, but moving around a bit I got into a good position. Then thoughts started to go through my mind, they went back and forth between Hiro and Dipper... yeah, I'm gonna be up for a while.


Okay that's it my wonderful foodies~ Now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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