Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"No." Steve and I argue in unison.

"Weeeeelll...." Tony swirls the the liquid in his glass around, considering the proposal.

"No!" I protest.

He turns to me. I feel so small while sitting on this couch, as if I could shrink into the cracks and live among the various crumbs and coins that inhibit the cushions.

"It would be a great improvement to her safety." Loki reminds him. I glare at the Raven Haired prince.

"He has a point." Tony shrugs.

"I said no!" I yell.

Tony and Loki are discussing my fate right in front of me, while Steve defends me. Him and I sit side my side on the couch, watching Tony and Loki make arrangements in my favour.

"What about school? It starts up in a few days! It'll be suspicious if Addison doesn't show up." I remind him.

Tony purses his lips. "Then you'll go. Someone will transport you there and back."


"Look, it hasn't been abandoned - it's now used as a gym with various sections of training." Interrupts Loki.

"Loki, I refuse to leave New York."

Steve sits up straighter. "I agree. She doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do."

Tony just shrugs. "I think it's a great idea. She's obviously got some enemies out there that are under Hel's control. No one would suspect this coming."

Steve falters, the furious and determined expression on his face staying put. "It's. Not. Happening. She's safer with us." He tries. "We could confine her to the Tower - not allowing her to leave without an escort!"

"Yeah - remember how that turned out last time? It's our best option, Rogers!" Tony scoffs.

"Stark - I'm not leaving her with all of those psychopaths!"

"Rogers, yes you are. Kid, go pack your bags. You leave in the morning."

And that's how I got myself into this mess.

The truck stops and I sit there, staring.

The compound looks the same, calmer than the last time I saw it - a lot less wet and bloody.

I don't see anyone milling around, which should be considered a good sign, but it scares me. It scares me that I'm the only girl in a large group of men who could overpower me if they please. But I need to be strong. They're doing this for my safety and I need to keep that in mind.

The flashbacks push into my head and I shudder involuntarily. Hopping out of the truck, I grab my bags and enter the building.

Home sweet home, I guess.


It doesn't take me long to find my old dorm. I step into my room, throwing my bags onto the floor and looking around. None of the furniture has changed. It's all in it's original setting.

I poke my head into Jade's room, looking around curiously. It's completely empty - no bed, no clothes, nothing to remember the Jade I used to trust before she turned out to be my worst enemy.

A thought hits me as I enter the common room. Where did everyone go?

But I know that, don't I?

They're all dead. Their bodies littered the streets of New York during the battle with Hel, when I found out that Jade wasn't real, when I died and came back, leaving my mother, friends, family and Blaine behind in that glorious paradise that I call Heaven.

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