Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A few days into the training, everything is sore as I wake up to my alarm clock, intantly regretting life in general. It hurts to stretch my stiff, swollen muscles in the morning and Steve's pancakes in the cafeteria don't help me at all.

Throwing the blankets off of my body, I prepare myself for the day, grabbing my bag and walking down the hall to retrieve Harry. He's been okay for a little while. A tad less green, less psychotic and murderous. He's getting better with each day that passes and is making a genuine effort to get well.

I knock on the door and wait for him to open it. Eventually, he answers. He looks me over, smiling and then grabbing his own bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Wow - you clean up good. That's definitely not the Becca I've come to know and love." He drapes an arm over my shoulders and we walk down the hall toward the main lobby. I wince, shrugging out from under the weight. Just the slightest amount of pressure and I'm down on the floor, crying.

I smile despite the pain. "You do too. Feeling better?"

"I'm feeling awesome. No more hallucinations - no more murders. I'm doing 100% better." He pumps his fists in the air, cursing and letting hand fall to his side again. He's been training just as hard, if not more than me. I can only imagine what kind of pain he's going through.

I laugh nervously at the word 'murders.' He says it so casually - like it was a normal occurrence when he was on the Globulin Green. Then again, he tried to kill me at one point, so who's saying it wasn't?

"You ready?" I ask after a little while of silence.

"Yeah - kind of - It's just hard, you know... pretending like everything is okay and normal."

I sigh, my heart and mind hurting. "Yeah. I might have a sense of how that feels." I reply, catching the eye of Loki. He watches me, nodding respectively as I hop in the truck and drive off.


I chew nervously on my pencil, waiting for the first bell to ring so I can depart for first period. Instead of defacing my innocent pencil further, I decide to pull out a book.

Great Expectations - a tattered, old book that I found on Addison's bookshelf a few days ago. I took it, along with clothes because my style definitely diverges from Addison's, and if I was going to play the part, I needed to look the part.

The door opens. "Look who I found straggling around in the hallway miss!" I look over the spine. Breanna Hopedale has her hands gripping Erin Rideout's shoulder, steering her through the door, laughing. I ignore them, not bothering to avert my attention as I hear the door open again. The bell rings so I stand, grabbing my books and start out of the classroom when I see him.


Right in front of me.

No scratches. No bruises. No broken or lost limbs.

I almost drop my things as I stand there staring at him as he does the same to me.

"Peter?" I ask tentatively. What if I had drank some of the Globulin Green junk that Harry had while I was asleep and I was hallucinating this.

"Becca, it's me." He opens his arms and I find my feet moving toward him. My body slams into his and this time, I do drop my things.

Loki was right - He's okay. He's not hurt. He's right in front of me.

He's a murderous machine that tried to murder Loki.

I pull away and look at him but I don't get a good look because he mashes his lips to mine, earning a startled gasp from me. Attempting to push him off, he keeps going, shoving his tongue down my throat and grinding on me. He pushes me up against the door, closing it and locking it as his kisses gets fiercer and fiercer.

He rubs his hands up and down my legs and the sensation of the motion causes me to moan involuntarily against his mouth, freaking out and clawing him off of me. Finally, he looks at me, a smirk spreading across his face.

His eyes are red. Red like Skyson's. Red like Hel's.

I almost scream as I back up, pulling out the emergency dagger that Loki had insisted Harry and I keep in our book-bags. Mine is in a sheath hidden within my jacket.

I threaten to jab at him and he just smiles, chuckling and stepping toward me. I raise the blade higher, backing farther away.

"Oh c'mon. I thought we were having a moment, darling."

"Shut up." I spit.

He gives me the puppy dog eyes. "Will you at least put the knife down so I can talk to you? Please?"

Planting my feet to the ground, I slash with all of my might but it's not enough. I watch as his face twists and he kicks his leg out, colliding with my hand and making the dagger fly from my grip. I stand there, staring at it in shock and silence. That's when he makes his move, pushing me back into the wall and punching the space next to me, trapping me. It's too close. I can smell him, see every little line in his face. Every little scratch or scar.

He smiles deviously, swerving his head to tease me. He's inches away from my lips and I expect him to kiss me again but he leans back instead, chuckling. "That wasn't very nice."

"Evidently, neither are you." I raise my eyebrows.

He smiles, his eyes softening. "I missed you, I really did."

"I missed Peter, not whatever demon you are."

"I'm not a demon - I'm improved." He whispers smoothly.

"You're neglective."

He furrows his brows. "How so?"

"Remember your life purpose? Spider-Man? He hasn't been around for a week and people don't know where to turn. How do you explain that?"

"I was busy."

"With what?"

"My new life. You could be a part of it too, you know. She'd let you join if you just ask nicely." He smiles.

"I'll never join you, and the real Peter knows that. Now, get out of my way, I have class." I try to push him but he's stronger than he was before he disappeared.

He grabs my neck, slamming me back against the wall. "You see, that's what I love about this whole ordeal. We have to pretend that we aren't out to kill each other at every second of every day. We have to pretend as if everything is normal and that we're in love and all that shit." He practically spits.

My jaw sets and I lean in, growling. "Go to hell."

Baring his teeth, his pupils blowing out in rage, he pulls me toward him, only to slam me into the wall a second time with a squeal. He places a hand on my cheek, rubbing it with one thumb. "So Addison, how does it feel to be in love with me?" He sneers.

Finally, I look at him. My heart races with fear, my stomach threatening to empty its contents as he smiles slyly.

I flash him a short, fake one back. "Amazing." I spit and walk out of the room.

(Peter's back! I honestly love writing evil characters because they're such assholes, but they're hilarious. Especially the Asgardians because they don't understand anything and the heroes have to explain their jokes - I just love it! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And sorry for the late update - today was my last day at school before spring break and when I got home, I watched three episodes of Bates Motel and completely forgot my Wattpad duties.
If you want to tweet me about this chapter - I promise that you will get a reply! @Saveiya is my handle and feel free to follow me for updates on future chapters and just awesome stuff about life and my vaguely aggressive tweets toward certain shit going on in my life. You can also follow me on Tumblr with the same name! Xoxo 😘)

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