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Four years later...

"Okay, okay - where are you?" Tony laughs.

I take a sharp turn, gasping as I narrowly avoid another vehicle who's driving way too close to the edge of the double yellow line. "I'm just down the street - I can literally see it from where I am." I say, ducking my head to look up at the tall building that is Stark Towers. Each letter sets the night sky ablaze with glittering lights that can be seen from across the city. There's barely any activity around the looming structure so I know for sure that this isn't just some casual get together. He's hiding something and I have a feeling I know what it is.

"Honey, that doesn't help me. I need to know what street you're on." He sighs, exasperated.

"I don't know Tony... I'm less than fives minutes away, though." I hear a laugh in the background that isn't Pepper's and my jaw locks. "Who was that?"

He's silent for a few seconds. "No one. Who?"

"Who's there with you?" I demand as he shushes someone.

"I'll see you in five, Beck!" Tony hangs up and I roll my eyes, glancing at Teagen, my roommate - her deep sea blue hair a beautiful contrast to her black, box framed glasses that perch on the bridge of her small nose. She raises a black eyebrow, giving me a look.

"I'm not telling you because I don't know." She assures me, knowing that I doubt that very much. Ever since her and Tony met at my birthday party last year, her and him have become best friends - bonding over sciencey things that I have no knowledge nor care about. This leads me to believe that since they're so buddy-buddy, she might know something about this party tonight.

"You're such a horrible liar. Tony wouldn't just keep a low profile on my 21st birthday - the man would hire jet planes to write my name in the damn clouds if it meant celebrating my right to drink legally." I return my gaze to the road, cocking my head.

Mar, Teagen's boyfriend, pops his head between the seats, looking at me. "I believe her." He nods.

"She's your girlfriend - you're supposed to say that." I pull into the parking lot, laughing when I hear the click of Mar's seatbelt. Sure, him and Teagen are two of my closest friends at NYU, but I know that part of it is to have the bragging rights of knowing the Avengers on a personal level. They're the only two people who know about my superhero family, but they don't know about Loki. I refuse to talk about our relationship because just the thought of him makes my heart ache and my palms sweat. I may trust them with my life, but they don't need to know about my past, just like I don't need to know about theirs.

It's mostly because I wouldn't let myself date during my first yeat at NYU - no matter how many people Teagen tried to set me up with. One night, after a double date that Teagen and Mar had dragged me along with them on, I came back to our dorm with tears streaming down my cheeks. It wasn't until I saw my dates face that I really admitted to myself just how much I missed Loki. You see, my date had had long black hair, pale skin, blue-green eyes, and a genuine smile just like Loki's, which caught me off guard.

That night, Teagen finally asked me about my last boyfriend and my already hysterical crying just became more intense - to the point in which my powers acted up and I shattered our rooms lightbulb. This was Teagen's first encounter with my powers, so of course, she got the fright of her life. After calming down, I told her everything, making sure that she understood that I wasn't going to date until I was ready because my last relationship was still a fresh wound. I knew that she wanted to ask me more questions but she held them back, admitting to me that she too had some things from her past that she didn't want to talk about. So we made a mutual agreement to never talk about anything pre-high school graduation, which has worked pretty good so far. This way, I don't have to talk about Loki and she doesn't have to talk about the shit that I know her life was before she moved out of her parents place.

The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now