Chapter Ten

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My head aches viciously as everything floods back. The ache that I've so long ignored comes back, but it's not the ache of familiarity anymore, it's the ache of remembrance. Loki is the first thing that comes to my mind. What the hell did that water do to me? I feel as if I am drowning in information, each memory plunging my head back under the water as I choke down more liquid while trying to get a decent breath.

I push Hel away and drop to my knees, pain searing through my whole body. At first, I take it for all the information being transfered into my mind, but as the head ache subsides, the pain resides, pinching every nerve.

"What the hell was that?!" I exclaim but I know what it is was. It was me becoming me again.

I feel a weight on my chest, like someone has kicked me in the stomach and realize that it's guilt. Guilt - of all emotions - weighed on me for a reason unbeknownst to me.

I stand up, pointing at her menacingly. "Why do I feel this way? What have you done to me?" I demand, taking in her face. I remember the anger I felt toward her that day one year ago - it's only strengthened since then.

She looks at me, smiling big. "That pain? It's my revenge. That guilt will kill you at some point and I want to see it happen with my own two eyes. I've altered your memories Ms. Talbot. What you think you remember may not be real, you won't be able to tell reality from imagination." She laughs and I feel an overwhelming urge to slap that grin right off of her face.

"What have you done to me?" I repeat, gritting my teeth to calm myself down. Jesus, do I ever need that damn stress ball right about now.

"I've made our little game more interesting. Having fun yet?" She smirks and darts off the side of the building. I chase after her but she jumps and disappears.

I stand there, pacing. "Shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" I scream and kick the cell tower, making an indent. This isn't me - and if it is me, I'd rather be dead... again.

I hear someone land on the gravel behind me and I turn.

"...Addison?" Spider-Man asks cautiously. "What happened to you?" He rushes over, cradling me in his arms. They're familiar, yet so alien. So right, yet so wrong.

"Wha..." I mumble, in shock.

He cups my face in his hands, forcing me to look up at his masked face. "Your eyes... they're... red. And burning." He whispers. Hel... not only has she altered my memories, she's altered my appearance. That f**king bitch is going to get it when I'm fully functional.

I exhale, taking it all in. No, I'm not me. This is not me!


"That's not my name." I growl, irritated.

I can almost see the hurt on his face from behind the mask as he steps back, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Peter-" I sigh and he pulls off the mask, revealing the soot and blood that coats him. I walk over hesitantly, reaching out to him. "What happened to your face?" I try but he cuts me off.


"What?" I pull away.

"Don't touch me." He says coldly and steps back. "You're not her. Get away from me."

"Seriously?" I try to touch him, rub some of the soot off but he dodges me.

"No!" He screams, pulling the mask back on and jumping off the side, plummeting to the streets but catches himself on a web and swings back to the tower.

"Peter!" I scream after him and immediately cover my mouth. I might've just revealed his identity to everyone... Whoops.

Great. First - I gain my memory - but not the real one! Second, I lose the one person who ever knew me below the walls aside from my brother.

The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now