Chapter Thirteen

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I stare at the screen in front of me, my eyes burning. I don't know how long I've been sititng here, scrolling endlessly, but I can't stop. In the comfort of my room in the Tower, I check Addison's Facebook, reminiscing her life - the life I once had - the life that deep down, I wish I still had.

Her friends have been posting on her wall, asking where she is, each one more frantic than the last. I keep forgetting to return to her house and erase her parents memories - or, parent. Curt doesn't count. after what he did to her - us - he deserves to rot in that damn cell, one less arm or not. I'd cut the other one off if I could, if it meant that I wouldn't get arrested.

A knock flutters on my door and I admit them in, shutting the computer closed in a haste. No one can know about what I told Peter - about missing her life. I know the way they'd look at me, they look at me like it right now. Pity. I hate that emotion. It makes me feel weak, like they won't let me move on. If I could live with no emotion, it'd make everything so much easier. No more conflict with Loki and Peter, no more ache, just... nothing.

Tony slips in, a perfectly wrapped box in his hands. J.A.R.V.I.S probably wrapped it for him. Tony can't even use the microwave without setting something on fire.

I smile, sitting up properly to make room for him on the bed. He sits down and passes the gift to me, gesturing for me to open it. "I know it's only the 23rd - technically the 24th because it's midnight - but I thought 'What the hell? Kid's been through a lot in the past two days' so I decided to give you some joy in your life." He grins.

He's right - I have been through a lot. So much in fact that I had forgotten that Christmas was only 24 hours away. What is wrong with me? What kind of person forgets that Christmas is coming?

A fugitive, that's who! Whispers the voice in my mind and I hiss, resenting Hel and her curse on me. Tony looks at me strangely so I cover it up by a giddy laugh and push the voice away.

Ripping the fancy paper off, I pluck the top of the box off to reveal a silver charm bracelet. Various charms hang down from it; one, a mini Rescue suit, another, a stack of pancakes (I laugh at that one and playfully punch him). Loki's staff, a heart, a green crystal, Thor's hammer, among others - until finally, I see the charm that kills me the most - partly because it scares the shit out of me and also, because my heart aches longingly: A ruby and sapphire spider. The pattern of red and blue is exactly the same as Peter's suit. Why does it hurt to be reminded of him? I don't love him that way - do I? Addison loves him, I don't. So why do I feel like we're supposed to be together?

Tears well in my eyes but I suppress them while Tony is in the room, using Addison's superpower of hiding her emotions. I pull him into what Addsion's mother, Victoria, would call a bear hug, and cling to him for a good few minutes. He tries to pull away from me but I grip him so firmly that it's impossible for him to move.

Finally, I break the hug and he helps fasten it onto my left wrist, the dominant one. I watch as the dim light of the lamp at my side makes the charms sparkle when I move my wrist. I smile fondly, each one bringing back a memory.

That's when I see the skull and crossbones and I go back to Blaine's death - his blood on my hands, the gun clattering to the wet ground...

Your fault.


I clutch my head as the voices grow stronger. They're tearing me apart! I scream and throw myself to the floor, shaking and retching until finally, they subside and I'm just lying there, sweating profusely. Tony launches out of the door, calling for Pepper to call an ambulance. I try to protest but my voice comes out in strenuous breaths of air, so I just let the darkness take me.

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