Chapter Seven

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When I get home, Tony is on my front porch waiting for me. He turns, smiling.

"There you are! I looked everywhere for you! After about an hour I realized that you have a house and that you don't live at the tower so I flew over here as quickly as I could." He scratches his goatee musingly. He stops, searching my face. "Hey - kiddo, what's going on? Are you alright?" He asks, reaching out to me.

Fury surges through my veins and I step away from him. He started all of this! Him and that psycho Emo guy! I was fine until they came along! If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have had to meet Brother Anti-Mr. Clean, and I wouldn't be feeling so damn sick!

The world starts to spin as the tears break my barrier, spilling over my cheeks. My knees buckle and I fall, sobbing. Tony lunges toward me as I fall into darkness.


My tongue is like paper when I wake. I cough and retch and shudder until I get the courage to sit up. Where am I? What happened?

The eyeless man, my supposed past, Tony on my front step... Tony!

I look around, bearing my surroundings. I am in a large room with what feels to be a memory foam bed. I can tell because the mattress fits my body perfectly, engulfing me in it's fluffy blankets. Damn it - I'm too comfy to get up - but I get up anyway. I need to find Tony before I lose him.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, noticing a remote on the night-table. I pick it up, fiddling with the buttons until I find the power button. Pressing it, the room darkens, a hologram appearing.

"Welcome to Stark Towers - Home of the Iron Man himself. I am J.A.R.V.I.S, the towers computerized assistant. I am here to fulfill your needs, wants and desires 24/7, 365 days a year." The voice booms. "May I start you off a hardy brunch madam?" J.A.R.V.I.S asks. Only then do I realize how famished I am. My stomach growls and I nod, wondering if J.A.R.V.I.S can pick up body language.

"Do you require a menu or do you want the usual?"

"What's the usual?" I ask, skeptical.

"Steven Rogers' homemade pancakes. Prepared with chocolate chips and Aunt Jemima's maple syrup with freshly cut strawberries on the side." Now I'm confused. I've never had those in my life - of course. I have, but in her life.

I inhale deeply, nodding. "Do you want them delivered to your room madam? Or would you like to join the others in the dining area?" Dining area? Am I prepared for that kind of exposure yet? It needs to happen at some point.

"Dining area, please. Also," I look around for my clothes. I'm wearing a pajama set with SpongeBob on it. I start to panic - who the hell dressed me in pajamas? What is going on? "Could I get some new clothes?"

A door to my left opens, a clothes rack shooting out. "Choose your attire for the day. You know how to get to the dining room."

"Actually-" I hold my hand up to stop him, but J.A.R.V.I.S is already gone. Defeated, I hop off the bed and pad over to the clothes rack. Jeans, jeans, jeans - ah! Leggings! I slip into them, pulling a long sweater on over my stomach. I quickly comb through my messy hair with my fingers - for I'm comb-less.

Opening the door, I walk around the corridor aimlessly, looking for someone or something that could point me in the direction of the dining area. That's when it occurs to me - why not signal J.A.R.V.I.S again with the remote from before?

"Yes madam?"

"I need directions." I say sternly.

"Whatever for, madam?"

"The dining area. I don't know where it is."

"Aren't you Rebecca?"

I hesitate. Am I Rebecca? I'm not even sure of that... "Um - it's complicated." I say for lack of a better word. Or words.

"Alright, I'll send for an escort then. I apologize for the misunderstanding." I nod, accepting his apology.

Sitting back down on the cushiony bed, looking around. On the bedside table, I spot a picture frame, grabbing it and turning it to face me. It's definitely a picture of me. I'm with Tony, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers and another boy that I do not recognize. He has long, shaggy black hair, deep blue eyes and a smiling face. His arm is draped over my shoulders, cuddling me. We all look so happy...

The same nag of familiarity comes back with a vengance, causing my eyes to well up. I let one slip over my cheeks, warming them with the wet, salty trail, and wipe my eyes, trying to stop. In the meantime, a knock flutters on the door and I stiffen. "Come in." I call, hoping to see Tony.

The door swings open. Thor Odinson - the prince of Asgard, god of thunder, stands in the doorway, his face lighting up. "Becca." Is all he says as he bounds over to me and sweeps me up in what Skyson would call a 'Life-Hug.'

My heart skips a beat. Thor Odinson is hugging me! Hugging me! Maybe this girl isn't so bad after all.

"Um, hi?" I choke out. He's crushing my lungs. He puts me down, stepping back.

"When did you get back?" He asks casually - as if I understand what he means.

"I live in Manhattan?" I murmur. His eyes flash and the light that brightened his eyes when he first saw me, dulls.

"He used it didn't he?" His brows furrow. Who used what? I am officially sick of this game.

I clench my fists, gritting my teeth while trying to find the words to say. "Look, it's not what it looks like. I'm not her! I'm me - Addison Connors - not Rebecca Talbot-"

"It's Becca." He huffs.

I roll my eyes, continuing. "I'm sick of being mixed up with this... this... wannabe!" Only, do I believe that? Do I honestly believe that this girl is some washed up hypocrite with my face? No, I don't believe that - not one bit. It's just my temper getting to me and unless I pour water over the blazing fire, my emotions will go out of control and hurt someone. Just like they did the last time.

The last time. Skyson. He was my Spider-Man back then. My older brother with his short blond hair, sea green eyes, chiselled jaw, genuine smile. Skyson - the one person who knows me better than I know myself. I had hurt him once. A few months ago. That was back when my mother was filing for divorce against my father and our family was falling apart. It was just Skyson, Jonah and I then. Skyson and I fought a lot back then over the tiniest things such as laundry or money or the remote.

One October night, I had come home late after an evening with Tessa at her new apartment across town. Skyson was waiting up for me on the couch while watching horror movies. I tried to slip past him but he immediately started following me and questioning me, irritating me to no end. Finally, I turned around and snapped at him, thus creating this huge fight which resulted in my nails raking his cheek and blood splatters on the floor. After that, we didn't talk for weeks until dad's accident regarding his 'Lizard' transformation. While Peter and Captain Stacy fought dad on the roof, Skyson and I worked on an antidote for him. After defeating dad, locking him up, and reuniting with Peter, we vowed to rekindle our brother/sister relationship and make it so strong that nothing could break it again.

I am pulled from my mournful reverie when Thor huffs and steps toward me. "Becca is nothing of the sort! But obviously, you must be." He checks me over with disgust and a hint of curiosity, I notice.

I sigh, shaking my head. "Just - take me to the dining room before I lose my appetite." I demand, irritated. He grunts once more, throwing open the door and stomping down the hall, me, trailing behind him.

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