Chapter Forty-Two

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Bodies litter the roof, blood peppering the gravel.

It's a full on war up here.

The bloody dagger feels heavy in my hands, but I charge toward the central point of action anyway, that empty feeling in my stomach turning into a burning rage.

Pepper is there and she's kicking everyone's ass, setting everything on fire. Skyson is beating Harry to a pulp, Loki and Hel face off in the corner, Thor and Aleksei throw people aside while Max and Curt work on tearing them apart limb by limb.

"Tony!" I point toward the pair and he flies over, talking with Max. I see him nod and Tony picks him up, flying off.

I hear a scream and my head automatically whips toward Harry, who's on his knees, his face and body bloody.

Promise me that you'll do everything in your power to help me come home safe and not in a body-bag? Harry's words echo in my mind. I exhale sharply, charging at Skyson and lunging myself at him, catching him in the stomach and crashing to the gravel. We wrestle, rolling on top of the other and swinging at each other but neither of us gets in a direct hit.

"Get off of me!" He cries out, struggling under my weight.

"No! Leave my friends alone!"

"No!" He grabs my arms, throwing me to the ground and rolling back on me.

"Get off of me!" I scream out, pain shooting through my body from my shoulder.

"No! Leave my friends alone!"

"You don't have any, you loser!" I manage to swing my leg up and smack my knee into his back. He falls forward and I flip, landing back on top of him. I then punch him and get up, running over to a cowering Harry, his body shaking.

"Harry! How bad is it?"

He waves me away. "A few broken ribs, nose, and other limbs, but I'm fine - seriously." He coughs grossly.

"I need to get you away from here..." I sling his arm over my good shoulder, supporting him from under and aiding him to the edge of the roof. "Stay here and don't move." I turn back to the battle but think of something else to say. "Also," I look back at him. "Try to look as dead as possible. They'll leave you alone."

I charge back in and feel hands wrap around my torso. I'm lifted up and thrown away, skittering across the gravel. I scream out as I land on my wounded shoulder.

"Mom always told us to share, you know." Growls Skyson and I smile.

"If you're referring to my friends and their deaths, then sure - you'll all be dead within the next few minutes." I nod toward Pepper, who's tossing aside some of her own troops. They fall, screaming off the building. "She's taking quite a toll on your numbers there, brother dear."

He makes a noise in his throat and disappears into the crowd of disoriented minions. Soon enough, I see him trying to get Pepper's attention.

My eyes stray to Loki, who's swinging a large sword over Hel's head as she lunges for his stomach with her talons. I find myself jumping up, starting over to help him but I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear a whizzing sound. I duck and kick my legs out, knocking the culprit to his feet. When I get a good look at his face, I gasp, screaming.

It's August!

He lunges toward me and I lift up my dagger, hearing the sickening sound of metal carving deep into flesh. Blood gushes from the wound as he gurgles up a black sludgy liquid and lays limp and lifeless.

I watch him with wide eyes, my breathing picking up and the empty feeling coming back.

I wish I could just stop and cry for just two seconds, but I don't have the time. I need to find a way to take Hel's minions from her without mindlessly murdering them.

I slap my wrist, the shield expanding. Making the dreadful decision to try again, I start slamming it into the heads of random people and knocking them out. They fall to the ground until finally, I watch as Pepper stabs Skyson through the heart with his own dagger.

A strangled scream escapes my throat as I charge over and knock Pepper aside with the shield. She shrieks as she flies backwards and I kneel down next to Skyson.

"Sky, Sky!" I panic, tearing a strip of fabric from my shirt and folding it up, pressing it against his chest to act as a bandage, applying pressure. It suddenly dawns on me that there's most likely an exit wound and I press harder, trying to stop the bleeding before I lose him.

Then, something happens. His eyes turns completely white as the red literally burns from his eyes. In a matter of seconds, his regular eye colour shimmers back and his pupils dilate.

"...Addison?" He shakes his head. "No, Becca." He smiles, reaching up to cup my face.

"Yes, it's me. Look, Sky, ignore that bright light, okay? You're going to be fine, I promise." I say, mostly to assure myself and he smiles wider.

"I will be okay. Finally, I'll be okay."

"Skyson..." My tone is one of warning, channelling all my strength into blocking that damn wound.

"I always knew... I always knew that you were different - now I know why. You weren't my little sister, you never looked or acted like us - at some point, I had convinced myself that you were adopted."

The tears drip, making dark spots on his shirt as I laugh at him. "Please..."

"But you weren't adopted, after all. You were a fallen angel who had found it's way to us and for that, I am thankful I got to know you." He pauses, his smile fading. "At least I'll be with Mom and Jonah. But, I'll miss you and possibly Dad."

I smile, laughing a little, relieving the pressure. There's no use anymore. "Tell them that I said hi, and that I'm sorry for everything that happened. It was all my fault - just like this is."

He shakes his head, the light in his eyes quickly dulling. "They forgive you, and so do I. Don't blame yourself for the things you can't control. We'll always love you Be-" He slumps down in my arms.

I shriek, covering my mouth and screaming into my palm. I'm going to kill Hel. I'm going to kill her with my bare hands, slowly, painfully...


(Not proof read so I apologize for any mistakes in grammar or spelling. Anyway - I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 😊
If you want to tweet me about this chapter - I promise that you will get a reply! @Saveiya is my handle and feel free to follow me for updates on future chapters and just awesome stuff about life and my vaguely aggressive tweets toward certain shit going on in my life. You can also follow me on Tumblr with the same name! Xoxo 😘)

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