Chapter Twenty-One

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I hear a clang and open my eyes. A sword is positioned horozontially in front of me, blocking Hel. She's knocked backwards and someone grabs my good hand. I struggle to my feet, my body aching. I look up at my saviour and see my worst fear.


   He stares at me. He doesn't smile, or makes a quip about how I look or how I'm out of shape, he just stares at me without saying anything, his blue-green eyes searching my face so intensely that it makes me uncomfortable. 

   I, however, am going out of my mind. "How did you get here? Where did you come from? Aren't you in confinement? What the hell?" I ramble on, pulling him in for a hug. The cool metal of his armor soothes my boiling skin, his arms wrapping around my small frame and providing me with a familiar feeling of safety.

   Now he smiles, stroking my bloody and matted hair. "My darling, when Hel detached the ring, I was instantly teleported here. Something was awry so I came as soon as I could." He whispers, kissing the crown of my head.

   "Could've used you five minutes ago." I mutter and he passes me the dagger. I take it, gripping it as tight as I can without the pain of my inured finger shooting up my arm. 

   "Get the Connors boy, I'll fend her off." He orders and plants his feet on the pavement. 


   "Now!" He yells, turning around a glaring at me. "That's an order, Talbot."

   "Good thing I don't take orders from you." I stand firmly, planting my feet evenly on the pavement and watching as a swirl of red mist envelopped Hel's body, helping her to her feet. Her scarlet orbs settling on Loki and I, she begins to charge. 

   I feel the wind before I get the chance to charge back. The black smoke covers my body and I open my eyes to the driveway of Addison's home, Skyson's unconcious body laying peacefully on the grass. I hear a scream of frustration, whirling around to find Loki shoving Hel away from me, her eyes wildly trained on my escape with Addison's brother in my hands.

   I rush off, dragging him to the next street over and propping him up against a pole. I drop to my knees, everything pulsing with pain in my body, my wounds gush blood, and my strength is depleted. I have nothing left to give. 

   That is, until I realize that Sky is still unconscious.

   I shake his body and slap his cheeks, calling his name. He's unresponsive.

   I start to panic, adrenaline feulling my soul and I grab his wrist, checking for a pulse. I don't feel it so I check under his jaw, earning a faint response and I sigh, relief flooding my body. 

   I hear a loud crash and the relief vanishes. My main priority is saving Skyson and moving on. 

   I place a hand over his heart. It's still beating, but very faintly. He's just not breathing.

   Laying him down on the grass, I start the heart palpitations. Peter may say that my CPR training is expired, but that doesn't mean that I don't still know how to do it.

   I press my mouth to his and breathe, forcing air down his throat and pumping his chest. I do this a few times before he starts normally breathing again.

   He gasps and sits up straight, staring at me blankly.

   "Skyson!" I hug him. "You're alive! We have to find Mom and Jonah and-" He tilts his head, listening to me.

   I stop. "Skyson?" Fear rises in the pit of my stomach and I back away suddenly. 

   He gets to his feet, his eyes intent on me as I crawl back. He then throws his hands out, wrapping them around my throat and choking me. He yanks me forcefully to my feet, kneeing me in the stomach. I cry out with too much air and am unable to breathe as he lifts me off the ground, coughing and thrashing in his grip. He throws me to the pavement and I roll, lying there. I have no energy left in my body, but if i don't get up now, he will kill me.

The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now