Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The voice startles me because it's not Tony's, it's not Steve's, it's not Natasha's, not Harry's, not even Loki's. The smooth voice sends chills down my spine as I turn around, my body threatening to shake.

"Were you surprised? I bet you were surprised - you looked surprised!" Peter's wearing his Spidey costume but without the mask. His hair is dishevelled, blowing in the slight breeze.

"What did you do with them, Peter?" Comes Tony's robotic Iron Man voice from behind me.

"I didn't do anything to them. We, however, tranquillized them." Someone steps out from behind him.

Mary Jane.

"Hello, Addison - or should I call you Rebecca?" She taunts and after all this time, I piece it together.

I stand straighter, planting my feet on the ground. "Hel." It makes sense now. Of course she'd pull another Jade and transform herself into a fiery haired demon with high heels and red lipstick.

"I'm surprised you never found out earlier than this. You seemed so intelligent girl." Her form shimmers and she fades into her true self. The pale, scar faced, raven haired queen of death.

"What did you do to the others-"

"Saw that you had Harry with you." Peter interrupts me and I glare at him with what I think is a look that would stop him in his tracks but he just smiles and continues on, walking over to me and taking his time. "He fought against me for a little while, but I quickly took care of that."


"You should've seen the look on his face when I snapped his neck. How quickly the light faded from his crazed blue eyes, his mouth opening slightly, blood trickling from his nose." He smirks at me, his red eyes burning with calm rage.

"You really should've been there, Becca. You had to be there to see it yourself - the helplessness in his expression when death's claws gripped him and took him into the underworld. You would be shocked as to how easy it was, how quick and painless it was for him to just crumple to the ground at my feet, limp and lifeless."

I step forward. No. I refuse to believe it. It's too early for my promise to be broken. He's lying. He has to be.

Tony pushes me back, standing firm in front of Peter. "Okay, that's enough kid. Just tell us where the others are and we won't hurt you."

Peter smiles wide, tilting his head to Hel, who turns to face Tony. Raising her hands, her pale skin cracks into fiery lace-like lines, reminding me of my own hands. "Shall I do the honors?" She asks without looking at Peter.

"Be my guest."

She fires at Tony and it hits him square in the chest. I hear a strangled scream escape my lips but it's soon muffled as a hand is clamped over my mouth. I bite the palm, tasting blood.

"OW! You little bitch!" Peter shrieks and I bite harder. He pulls his hand away and I throw my elbow back into his stomach, whipping around and kicking him in the side to knock him off balance. He doubles over, falling to the pavement. I then grab his head and slam my knee into his skull a few times before he goes limp.

"Well, well, well. Looks like someones been training with my father again." Hel smiles, chuckling. I feel the fire ignite my veins, my hands lighting up.

"How about I show you anothe rmove he taught me?" I say, focusing on his face, on his voice, on his smile and his hands on my body. I feel like I have control when I raise my palms to face the Queen, exhaling and blasting a blazing ball of heat at her. It hits her and she flies back, screaming as she slams into a statue a few feet back.

My eyes widen and I look down, wiggling my fingers. Smoke swirls up from my palms and I blow on them, cooling them down and taking off before Hel has the chance to retaliate.

I slam into a wall of flesh as I run frantically through the boiler room. Clattering to the floor, I look up into the piercing blue eyes of Harry.

"Whoa! What happened back there?" He asks, helping me up. I stare at him for a few seconds before I wrap my arms around his thin waist. He hugs be back hesitantly, laying his chin on the crown of my skull. "Shhh, it's okay. You're fine. We're all okay."

I pull away suddenly, anger flooding me as I punch his shoulder. "You idiots! You were supposed to stay in the goddamn truck!"

He recoils, rubbing his shoulder. "Sorry - some guards came to inspect the cargo so we had to bail. Loki disguised us as S.H.I.E.L.D agents so we could leave without any trouble." I look over at Loki. He's slumped against a pipe and in the red light, the bags under his eyes are definitely prominent. All of this shape shifting on all these people is tiring him out.

I slip over to him, kneeling down and cradling his head to my chest, stroking his hair.

"Where's the Man of Iron?" Asks Thor and I shake my head.

"Hel hit him with some kind of fire-ball thing. I haven't seen him since. I ran before she got me too." I explain, continuing with the whole story.

As I finish, they all nod grimly. "So, Pete was there? And he told you that he had snapped my neck?" Harry asks tentatively.

I nod, switching positions so I sit on the floor next to Loki with his head on my shoulder. "In great detail."

"And you thought you broke your promise." He clues it together. "That's why you slammed into me so hard - because you were running from the guilt."

"But, you're fine. You're all fine and I feel better now." I assure them but they all look away.

"We're going to die today, aren't we?" A wavering voice asks. I turn and see Aleksei snivelling in the corner. I stand up, propping Loki back up against the pipe and walk over, kneeling down next to Aleksei.

"No. We're not going to die today - we're going to save the world today." I give him a small smile and he looks up at me from under his long eyelashes.

I help him to his feet and face the others. "We need to leave before they figure out about us."

"Where do you have in mind?" Asks Thor, gripping Mjolnir.

"It's probably incredibly stupid and reckless - maybe even suicidal. But we need to get to the roof. We'll carry out our plan there. We just need to get her attention." I explain, whispering for some weird reason.

"How do we get her attention?" Harry steps forward.

Loki speaks up, his voice heavy with fatigue. "If you don't mind - I have a plan."

I look down at the Raven prince. "Yeah?"

"Yes - but you may not like it." He smiles.

"At this point, I'm up for anything." I say and he gives me a look that makes me instantly regret my trust in him.

(This hasn't really been edited, so I'll probably come back after school and fix it a little. Anyway, I hope you guys are having a great week - mine's going well, but it's getting closer to June so everything school-wise is becoming hectic regarding exams and studying. But it'll all calm down after the 19th of June. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you've seen Age of Ultron, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments, or, you can tweet them to me!

If you want to tweet me about this chapter - I promise that you will get a reply! @Saveiya is my handle and feel free to follow me for updates on future chapters and just awesome stuff about life and my vaguely aggressive tweets toward certain shit going on in my life. You can also follow me on Tumblr with the same name! Xoxo 😘)

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