Chapter Eighteen

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I stand next to Spider-Man, his arm slung awkwardly across my shoulders as we wait for our new teammates to arrive. I shrug out from undr him, stepping to the side. He rubs the back of his mask, glancng at me. I roll my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest to tell him to leave me alone.

Honestly, I'm not too overjoyed to meet the team. I still think that it's the stupidest idea ever proposed on this earth - that heroes have to work with villains in order to defeat an even bigger villain. For all we know, these guys could be bullshitting us and already enlisted in Hel's little army. I don't trust Loki in the least. She's his daughter, his little girl. The only thing that keeps me holding onto him and his loyalty is the fact that he tried to kill her after she fataly wounded me. Maybe he really does still love me, but for right now, I don't trust it.

Finally, the large alarm sounds, blaring through the vast bunker on the Helicarrier. I hear the stomping of multiple pairs of heavy boots as they approach us, their handcuffs swishing and dragging along the floor.

One by one, they make a straight line, all facing us. They look miserable and - frankly - murderous.

In my periphary, I see Spider-Man tense and I lock eyes with him. Loki.

His blue-green eyes stare intently on me and Spider-Man - looking especially murderous. His long raven coloured hair is slicked back and flipping at the edges, like usual, but something about him is different - deadly calm and cool.

He wears the same armor as always, his complexion sickly pale. His hands are secured by special handcuffs that cover his hand completely so he can't use them. A long chain extends from the cuffs to the metal boots on his feet. He wears the very same muzzle he did in the Asgard prison one year ago when I murdered all of those people in order to free him... Their blood on my hands and clothes, their screams filling me with satisfaction...

Your fault, your fault, YOUR FAULT!

I shiver involuntarily and Spidey looks over at me. He doesn't know the history between Loki and I, and I intend to keep it that way.

"Ten hut maggots!" One of the jail guards - his name is Brutus - yells at the prisoners. In unison, they all stomp their left feet, standing straighter and raising their chins to the ceiling. "These two are your new leaders. They will teach you the ways of S.H.I.E.L.D and hopefully, whip you pathetic excuses for human beings into shape."

Loki jiggles his handcuffs, looking at Brutus and stepping forward. "Shut up Laufeyson! No one cares that you're a God!" Brutus screams and Loki steps back into line, keeping his eyes to the floor.

"Over the next few weeks, you will be trained in order to take down one of Earth's mightiest foes-" Loki steps out of line again and Brutus walks up to him, pulling a rod out of the loop of his belt and whipping Loki with it. I see a flash of electricity and realize that it's a tazer rod. Loki drops to his knees, shaking uncontrollably. Somewhere deep inside me, I wish to go over there, take the rod and whip Brutus with it just to see how he likes it - to help Loki up and run, like old times. If anything, I want to trust him like I did. And even though a small portion of my hatred towards him is still there, I don't want to see him getting whipped in the worst way possible.

Tear fill my eyes and I sniff, straightening my posture and wiping them away, keeping my eyes off of the scene.

"You will speak when spoken to, Laufeyson!" Brutus stands, slipping the rod back into the loop and pacing in front of them. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," He shoots a shuddering Loki a look, proceeding with his explanation. "Over the next few weeks, you will be trained in order to take down Hel - the worlds most threatening foe, who just happens to be Silver Tongues daughter.

The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now