Chapter Forty-One

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WARNING! This chapter deals with themes of suicide, so read at your own risk.

In a matter of seconds, I feel the web wrap around my waist as I hurtle to the ground, the wind whipping through my golden locks, trying to catch a breath. I can't say that I'm not surprised. I was only about 95% sure that he'd save me - the other half was just trying to figure out Plan B if Plan A didn't turn out the way I was expecting it to. It was a stupid idea to begin with - risking suicide over the mere theory that Peter would catch me. I'm such an idiot.

We swing through a window, jumping through the glass and landing on the carpeted floor of a boardroom. He lays me on my feet, smirking cockily.

"I knew you'd do that." I say, watching him, my heart still racing with adrenaline.

"Am I really that predictable?" His eyes look dark, tired - his cheeks hollow.

"Even when under mind control." I stare him down, circling him.

He stops smirking. "Why do you insist on the idea that I'm not me?"

"Because your eyes are red, you kill people instead of saving them, you started dating Hel disguised as the very girl she knew I would hate-"

"You hated Mary Jane? Why?"

I give him a look. "Because she's a desperate skank, that's why."

He slaps me and I lose my balance, falling. "Do not talk about Hel in that manner. She's just misunderstood, that's all."

I get up, staring at him for a second and then punching him. He recoils, staggering backwards. "You're such an asswipe. Can't you see what she's doing to you? We're not the bad guys here, Peter - that's you."

He glares at me. "You're wrong, Becca. Join me and I'll show you just how wrong you are."

I back up, gripping my dagger so tight that my knuckles turn white. "I'd never join you. Not after all she's done to me."

"Hel only did those because you wronged her. Sinners need to be punished." He takes a step forward, hands in front of him to try and dissuade me. My rising anger toward him awakens the long hibernating voice in my head, the little bitch's words making their way to my mouth without permission.

"So that means that my whole family needs to die? My little brother, my mother-" I jump, taken off guard. That didn't even sound like my voice...

He smiles, seeming to know that it wasn't me who said it. "They're not your real family."

"...and you're not the real Peter." I quip and launch myself at him, screaming.

He catches me by the waist but my weight from the momentum is too much for him and we clatter to the ground. I stab my dagger down and he dodges it, the blade nipping his cheek. He touches it, his fingers coming back stained with blood.

"You bitch!" He throws me back into a wall like a rag doll. I take into account how much stronger he's become. Maybe it's because of Hel's control over him, or maybe it's because of his constant, growing rage at the world. Either way, I can see this isn't going to end well for either one of us.

I struggle to my feet, watching as he makes his way over. I see his body tense suddenly, preparing for a blow, so I slap my wrist and his fist collides with my shield. I smile, laughing.

He cries out, shaking his hand. "You sly whore." He smiles at me, pain and anger flaring in his scarlet irises. "You must have all the protective gear from Stark - plus the extra help from the Super Soldier, the spy, the thunder god, the mischief god... You've got it all, don't you?" In one swift roundhouse kick, he knocks the shield aside and pins me against the wall by my neck. I cough, squirming.

The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now