Chapter Forty-Three

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My heart is heavy and my stomach is twisted into the tightest knot in the world, but I keep going. I have to end this and save these people, or else, the human race will be put on a short leash and forced to obey Hel's every word.

I'm just laying Skyson's lifeless body to the ground as gently as I can - his face justas peaceful as Peter's was - when I hear a rocket above and look up at Tony, his mask up. He lands beside me, his face mask sliding upward to reveal his face, his brows furrowed, eyes avoiding mine. I know what that means, but still, I ask in spite of myself.

"Peter?" I know that there's no chance of hearing what want to hear at this point, but I still have somewhat of a sliver of hope left in me.

He slowly shakes his head. My heart sinks even more, my stomach twisting even tighter. That's what i was expecting, but it doesn't ease the pain.

"Max tried but nothing happened. He tried to absorb more energy for a more powerful blow, but in the process of collecting it, he was stabbed through the heart by Pepper."

"Pepper? But I just fought her-" I look over to the spot in which she fell off the building, frowning.

"Well, so did I."

"What happened? Is she..." I trail off.

"...dead? No. I sprayed her down with a fire extinguisher and she passed out." He shrugs.

I arch my eyebrows, nodding and notice someone charging toward me in my periphery. I duck as Tony punches them, a loud clang sounding throughout the roof. I glance up. The person is knocked out cold, sprawled on the gravel, their forehead split and oozing blood.

I force myself to look away and search the crowd. Most of Hel's army is like that - unconscious on the ground, their faces and bodies gushing scarlet. Hopefully they'll wake up and remember nothing of today. Hopefully when the spell is lifted, their wounds will heal and no one will be injured. Unfortunately, I know that's just hopeful thinking - no one will walk out of this unscathed.

Tony lays a hand on my shoulder. "Get to Loki and help him with Hel, we'll take care of the rest."

"Loki can hold his own - you need more help than he does."

He gives me a stern look. "Go to him. I know you're worried." Well, he isn't wrong. Ever since Peter, Loki's smiling face hasn't left my mind. Anything to keep him safe, like I failed to do for Peter.

I stand, leaving Skyson and taking Tony's metal encased hands in mine. "Be careful, okay? If anything happens..."

"I know." He pulls my in, kissing my hair. "That's for good luck, human pancake." I smile up at him, the nickname making my heart swell. I may have hated it at one point, but to hear it now makes me laugh, happy.

Turning away, I take off toward Hel and Loki, but just before I reach them, Loki lunges for Hel's legs, snatching them and topple over the edge of the building, hurtling to the ground. I gasp, reaching the edge and peering over it. They're fighting midair, swinging at each other and screaming. Finally, they hit the ground with such force that the pavement cracks under their weight, the chunks of granite caving in on them as smoke and dust starts to billow from their crater, making my eyes sting.

I swing my leg over, perching on the ledge and preparing to jump onto the nearest landing, which is a balcony directly below me, when someone pulls me back.

"What do you think you're doing?" Harry's face is frantic.

"I'm going to help." I say, getting to my knees and standing up.

"I'm not just going to let you kill yourself because Peter's dead and you assume that you're invincible after all the pain and sorrow you've felt today."

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