Chapter Thirty

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The gravy covers the potatoes in a sheet of brown sludge. My fork chases the green peas around the plastic plate and I'm mesmerized by it. I jump when I hear a tray clack down across from me and look up at a disoriented Harry.

"He got to you too?" I ask. The bags under his eyes are prominent, like deep abysses on his face. He nods, not looking at me. His skin is much more green than it was this morning, which I totally understand. Seeing Peter again, seeing what he's like now, it's nerve-wracking.

Another tray clacks down next to me and I look over. Speak of the devil...

"So, how are my two favourite people, huh?" He grins and digs into his gravy drowned potatoes.

"Fine." I mumble.

"Could be better." Spits Harry.

Peter smiles.

Another tray clacks down onto the table. It's Mary Jane.

"Mary Jane?" I say aloud and restrain myself from spitting mushy potatoes in her face, like I'm dying to.

She smiles, biting her pizza slice. Of course - the pretty girl always gets the best food... Typical.

"Hi... Addison, right? Sorry - I'm terrible with names."

I hear Harry sigh as I nod. "Yeah. What are you doing here?"

Peter cuts her off, draping an arm around her and pulling her into his chest. "She just transferred. Isn't that amazing?" He leans down on top of her and kisses her.

I lock my jaw, anger surging through me but I suppress it. I can't let what Skyson said come true. This isn't him... this isn't him... this isn't...

I make a face, watching them as they continue to go at it, practically eating each others faces. They need to come up for air sometime... right?

Harry snorts, giving me a 'What can we do about it?' kind of look.

Finally, they pull away and when he looks at me, I notice something different about his irises. They're brown - his usual colour.

"Peter, what the hell?" I demand.

He purses his lips. "Oh yeah - I've been meaning to talk to you about this whole 'us' thing." He mumbles using air quotes. "We're kind of over. I'm with MJ now."

Mary Jane smiles genuinely and I blink, looking at Harry. Again, he shrugs.

Fed up, I stand and grab Peter's ear, dragging him out of the cafeteria. I push him into the janitors closet and lock the both of us in there.

"Okay - what the f**k is your game, Parker?" I growl and he smiles deviously.

"I saw you looking at my eyes. Notice that they're brown instead of red? That's right. It's really me. I'm not a minion - I'm not a demon - I'm nothing. I'm just me."

"Shut up." I snap, turning and running my fingers through my hair angrily. "God - Mary Jane!? I told you what she wanted and you still didn't listen to me like a typical guy!"

He laughs. "You're so cute when you're angry and confused." I see his eyes flash and his expression falters for just a second. He soon regains his composure.

I step toward him. "Peter this isn't you!"

His face twists. "Yes it is! Rebecca, accept it. I'm not your little boy-toy anymore. I've moved on-"

"Yeah, moved on to being a murderer - Loki told me what you tried to do to him, and Harry confessed everything-"

"Loki?" He's quick to pick up on my mistake. I forgot for a minute that he still thinks that he's dead. "Loki's still alive? I murdered him - Isaw him die at my feet!" He screams, his eyes going wild. The brown in his eyes starts to break into pieces, bright red shining through. They're contacts.

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