Chapter Forty-Six

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"Okay, now let's get you and Pepper together." Tony says, snapping a picture of Pepper and I with the ocean view as our background. He squints at the screen, smirking and flashing us a thumbs-up.

I've been smiling so much that my mouth is starting to cramp up and that isn't good. Not on my graduation day.

When I got my cap and gown from the school, I had returned home to the new Malibu Point property to find a beautiful knee length red dress, the shoulders and collarbone covered in soft, silky lace laid on my bed. Along with jewelry and black pumps, Tony and Pepper had bought me a full graduation ensemble, plus an outfit for the afterparty they were planning on throwing. It's nice to see them so proud of me, but I'd be lying if I said that it didn't make me miss my own mom and dad. Yes, they made my life miserable, I can't help but wonder how my mother would've reacted to me graduating and moving on to a University. Would she be as proud as the Stark's - would she have even cared?

My fathers face surfaces in my mind and as much as I want to feel disgusted, I wish he could see me now - understand that life went on after he died - hell, it got better after he died. I'd love to see the look on his stupid, bastardly face as I walk across that stage and accept my diploma. Would he have felt rage or pride?

I shake the thoughts from my head, focusing on now. I've come so far since then - since that life. I've made a name for myself and I've been taught my value. I matter to these people, but to the Talbot's, I was a burden.

That's hardly the case now as I look at Tony's beaming face, showing Pepper the pictures and tears filling both of their eyes. Pepper sniffs, fanning her face with her hands and looking away, smiling, pride plain in both of their expressions.

"Alright, now me and her - Pepper!" He squeaks, regaining composure.

"Got it, Tony." She grabs the camera, wiping away her tears, taking his place and getting into position.

Tony slips in next to me, glancing out the large window of the new house, nodding as if silently praising himself for buying such a beautiful home with a stunning view such as this. We can see the ocean rolling far into the distance, surrounded by a sandy beach and a blazing sun that bathes everything in a happy, golden glow. There's no doubt - the place is absolutely beautiful and truly perfect for Grad pictures, which Tony had refused to hire anyone to do. He didn't want to risk the possibility of the pictures getting lost, so he bought the most high-end camera and spent most of his time taking pictures down by the beach to break it in just for this moment. At first, I thought it was corny, but now, I appreciate it. No one has ever gone through all this trouble to make me feel wanted and loved except for Loki - but that chapter ended three months ago.

Turning his attention back to the situation at hand, Tony smiles down at me. He looks dapper in his signature Stark tuxedo that he always wears to expositions to promote his new inventions. It's my favourite tux out of all the suits he owns. He knows that, so I didn't have to ask him to wear it - he just did, telling me: "This is a tux for special occasions - and nothing beats this. Nothing is more special than this day, and nothing else ever will be until you graduate University and go on to get married." Which, of course, made me cry, and the makeup artist that Tony had hired for me had to touch up my eyeliner and mascara, silently crying along with me.

He fiddles with his tie, straightening it. "I'm so proud of you kiddo. You deserve this after everything you've been through." He plucks the cap off of my head and plops it onto his, casting his eyes skyward toward the dangling tassel as I glare up at him and Pepper snaps the photo. She smiles, laughing. "There's our Christmas card!" She hands Tony the camera and I peer up at it, giggling.

Tony looks confused as to what's on his head as I stare up at him with the face of an annoyed child, pouting. Tony shakes with laughter, wrapping an arm around me and squeezing. "That's perfect."

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