Chapter Two

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I check the stove's clock again. 8:00, just like it was five seconds ago...

"I'll be there at eight sharp this time, promise." He had winked and swung off into the starry night. Yeah, well it's eight - and you are where? Not here, that's where. 'Don't keep promises you can't keep, Mr. Parker' I've told him hundreds of times, but he never learns that when I say 8:00, I mean 8:00.

I skim through the channels, landing on my favourite T.V show, Supernatural. I've never understood why I like the show, but Dean just reminds me so much of someone that I can't put my finger on. Broken, haunted by his abusive father and brave brother who always had the strength to stand up to him. All the death, all the heartbreak that both brothers have experianced feels so familiar, even though I haven't lost anyone other than my father. But he was rightly jailed for his sins - the sins of a murderer. Had Peter not stopped him, I would be buried in the earth today, never to wait for a late Peter as 8:00 ticks by. Yes, I'm glad he saved me, but if he was as fast as he is when saving others, we'd have perfect attendance records.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news," The reporters announce. "Renowned criminals Jeffrey Juan and Sal Salmon have broken out of jail and are now robbing the Bank of America. Police are arriving at the scene - oh," They stop, turning. Spider-Man swings into the building, rushing the hostages out. He then stalks out with the two baddies in his arms, growling.

"Ladies and gentleman," The reporters scoff. "Our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man!" They introduce him. Spidey hands the criminals over to the police, taking the microphone and peering into the camera.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." He shrugs guiltily. The reporters stare at him in confusion, as if they're surprised that Spidey has colleagues. "As you can see, I had a thing."

I roll my eyes, only slightly annoyed. His 'Spidey Sense' is strengthening if he can sense when I'm watching T.V. But as long as he has a good reason for being late, I'm okay with it. Plus, I'd rather not get a ride with my older brother Skyson - his car smells like McDonalds and Axe.

Spidey walks up to the camera, blocking the whole shot. "Now back to your regular programming!"

"Sammy!" I switch off the T.V, grabbing my book-bag. The last day of school before Christmas break. Thank god.

I am suddenly overcome with a sense of mourn. What is going on with me? First the creepy wolf, then the ring, now I can't even say God without feeling weird and depressed?

A tap flutters on my door and I rush to answer it. Throwing it open, I face a smiling Peter. "Did you see me?" His cheek is smeared with soot.

"Yeah, I sure did." I chuckle, licking my thumb and reaching out, skimming it over the spot until it vanishes.

He smiles even wider. "That felt way cooler than saying 'hi mom.'" He says sheepishly. I roll my eyes, punching him in the shoulder.

"Let's just go. We don't want to be late." I walk ahead, stridng boldly down the driveway.

"What's the rush? Homeroom doesn't start until 8:20."

"Peter-" I stop, turning and looking at him.

"C'mon. Let me swing you there. Please?" He gives me the puppy dog eyes and I sigh, exasperated.

"Fine. But only because it's early."

He grins, grabbing my waist and pressing me against him. "Hold on tight, princess." He lifts his wrist, shooting off a web and swinging in the direction of the school.


I grab my books, slamming my locker door closed and come face to face with Peter, leaning against the other sets of lockers a little ways down.


"You go ahead, I don't want you to be late." I say, knowing that he'd refuse.

"I'm not going without you." I know him too well.

"Well, you're going to have to. I've got a meeting that I cannot miss, this period."

He gives me a sceptical look, sweeping me over with his gaze. "Ad, what's really going on?"

"Christmas family dinner," I admit, rambling it out. "I, of course, am the one planning the whole thing." My tone is resentful, memories of the last Christmas dinner swirling in myhead. I try to remember back farther to prove my point, but I can't. It's just darkness - a block or something... I don't remember...

"Ah, the burdens of an eighteen year old." Peter muses, mocking me. I punch his shoulder, playfully.

"Out of the hall girls!" I hear Mr. Perio call. Peter appears offended, glancing down at his pants.

"You know, last time I checked, I was a man..." He quips, rubbing the back of his neck. I giggle airily, following him to class.

I glance at him for just a second and slam into something tall and hard. Looking up, I see the same woman from the party. Her scarred face glaring daggers at me. The familiar tug nags me and I stare at her, trying to grasp where else I've seen her to.

"Watch where you're going." She growls, her scarlet eyes glowing brightly. I avert my eyes from hers, afraid that she will eat my soul. "I'm sorry!" I mumble and feel a hand on my arm.

"What are you apologizing to me for? You walked right into a wall. I'd be more concerned for the walls physicality." Peter helps me up.

"What - where did the girl go?" I start to panic. I am facing a wall, but no one is there. The girl is gone without a trace.

Peter looks sideways at me. "How much sleep did you get last night?"

"A full night's."

I notice he's staring at my hands. "Your ring's glowing again." He steps away. "This doesn't have anything to do with what happened last night right? I've already apologized a million times Ad, what more can I do?" I start to zone out, catching movement in the corner of my eye. Whipping around, I catch the girl with the same black wolf dead in her arms, flames licking at her body. I scream and slip to the floor, scrambling away from the scene.


I run as fast as I can away from everything.

(This is taking for-f*cking-ever. I literally have so much homework from dicky teachers that I hate. So, that's basically my week thus far. How's yours? How are you finding the sequel so far? I hope you're liking it! Anyway, enjoy!)

The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now