Chapter Eight

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"There she is!" Steve gets to his feet, walking over to me and cupping my face in his hands. Damn - that is one gorgeous man...

"I was so worried." He whispers, pulling me into him. Maybe being this girl isn't so bad after all. I've had a god and a super soldier hug me today! How can it get any better than this?

"I'm fine - really." I say, pushing him away. "But, I'm not-"

"Her name is Addison Connors - daughter of Doctor Curt Connors and Victoria Connors. She has two brothers of whom she is incredibly close to. Jonah - her younger brother and Skyson - her older brother." I blink, turning to Thor. He's staring across the room, his brows furrowed in frustration and pain.

I sweep over him skeptically. "How did you know all of that?"

He's purposely averting me. "I am a god - I know more than you realize."

I sigh, feeling both violated and intrigued. "Anything else you want to add?"

"Yes," He huffs. "Her best friend is Theresa Gray; boyfriend is Peter Parker; enrolled in Midtown High and is the top of her class alongside Parker." He stops, shaking the blonde locks out of his face. "Also, she is secretly Becca without knowing it."

I exhale. It feels as if he has punched me in the stomach and I can't breathe anymore.

Steve steps away awkwardly. "I'm sorry... I just thought..." He trails off, heading back to his seat. Part of me is disappointed that he moved away, but anothe rpart of me is relieved for it. I could've stayed there all day, enveloped in his strong arms. I wonder if Becca felt this way too.

I clench my fists. "That is it!" I announce. "I may not be her, but that doesn't mean I'm a nobody!"

Tony reaches out, standing up. "We know that-"

"No! No, you don't!" I shout. A green hue surrounds my body, pulsing in the dim light of the chandelier.

Tony glances down at my ring anxiously. I follow his eyes and see that I am in fact - not on the floor. I am floating, my hair whipping around in the air. The ring burns brightly, pulsing energy.


I scream, the sound echoing off the walls and hanging in the atmosphere as I descend to the ground. My knees buckle and I fall, a wave of green energy washing over the room. The last thing I remember is everyone lunging toward me as I fall into darkness.


Mirrors. Mirrors everywhere, reflecting me from every angle. My face is like stone, peppered in blood and soot. Above me is a skylight that allows the night sky to shine down on me, casting shadows over my already darkened expression.

She stands above me, her black hair and scarlet eyes burning along with the city. "Let's get this over with, shall we?" I pull out two glocks, locking their aim on her chest.

She smiles, her hands erupting in flames. We charge and the scene goes black.

I wake up in the hospital, strapped to a bed. Panicing, I tug at the restraints but to no avail. Defeated, I lie back down.

"Morning, G.I. Joan," Says a voice to my right. I tilt my head in it's direction. Peter.

"What?" I ask groggily.

He smiles. "Your dream. I heard it."

"What?" I repeat, sitting up awkwardly. With the ties, I can barely move.

"You talk in your sleep." He informs me. Well, that explains a lot of incidents where I've woken up to Jonah and Skyson laughing at me...

"Why am I here?" Peter glances down at my ring. My cursed ring. It's glowing furiously.

"Oh - now I remember." My head aches. I must've hit it off of something hard.

"So, what happened?"

"My self esteem happened. It depleted and I snapped." I explain, sighing. He watches me with careful eyes, as if savouring my existence.

"Are you okay?"

Am I okay? I mean, really? I'm just sick of being signed off by everyone. The only person who hasn't looked at me in a lost way is Peter.

"Did you know her?" My voice is quiet - almost inaudible.

He looks down. "No. But I heard about her all of the time. S.H.I.E.L.D was very impressed with their little fugitive turned spy."

I twiddle my thumbs, avoiding his eyes. "Addie," He says. I look at him. "Don't look so worried. I'll love you no matter who you are." He smiles sadly and reaches over to lock his fingers into mine. I sigh, suddenly exhausted. My eyelids grow heavy and I close them for just a second when Peter calls my name alarmingly. Disoriented, I open my eyes and fixate on a figure standing a few feet from the both of us, surrounded by broken glass. "Addison Connors. NOW!" She throws a fireball in our direction, Peter crashing to the floor and me, stuck to the bed with ties.

(Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. I have a logical explaination, and that's because if I were to jumble the next chapter into this one, it'd be a million pages long. The next one is packed with stuff, and it'll make you guys happy, I swear. Anyway, I love you all! Enjoy!)

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