Chapter Nineteen

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I stare at my plate. My stomach still hasn't returned to me after the whole 'Curt is my new teammate' situtaion. I haven't figured out what the hell happened, why I freaked out so mucha nd why I couldn't control my own body. Part of me wants to talk to Tony about it, but I don't feel like a series of tests. I remember the experiments that Curt performed on Addison, and like I was with my own father, she was frightened - scared that her father, the only man she'd ever truly loved unconditionally until Peter came along, was going to hurt her and betray her already fragile trust.

My hand starts to shake and I exhale calmly, regaining control.

Out of worry that someone will notice my strange behaviour, I shovel forkful over forkful into my mouth, chewing and swallowing it. I feel even more sick than I did this afternoon. Forcing myself to eat isn't something I need right now so I try to calm myself down, levelling my ragged breaths and lowering my rapid heart. I take deep breaths, in, out. I calm myself down a little more, my shaking body becoming relatively still.

I'm surrounded by Connors relatives, both young and old - mostly old. They're all laughing and talking and eating, their happiness annoys me. They don't know what's really going on around them; to me, their smiles seem fake - as if they know about Hel and her threats, but they don't. I have to keep reminding myself of that.

I notice Skyson watching me. I lock eyes with him and he raises an eyebrow. I shake my head slightly, giving him a small yet reassuring smile and he nods, understanding. Only, I'm not okay. Obviously. I'm one surprise away from having a full on nervous breakdown - another anxiety attack. I finger my bracelet, remembering for the first time in a few days that it's still on my wrist. It gives me comfort to have all of my memories strapped to me through a tiny silver bracelet with miniature charms attached to it.

I sneak a glance at it under the table and smile to myself, remembering that night with Tony. He helped me a lot - I owe him for it.

I hear a thud and my head jerks up, looking around the table. Everyone is passed out; Aunt Gladys has her face in her turkey, Uncle Mike is on the floor. Even Skyson, Jonah and Victoria are knocked out cold.

Panic rises in my stomach. This is Hel. She's found me and she's come to kill me once and for all and I am powerless against her because of my injured hand. Either that, or Loki got out of the containment facility in the Helicarrier and he's planning on kidnapping me again for kicks. But I hear the rumble outside and piece it together quickly.



"You know, you could've called me or something - came over for turkey dinner." I quip but Tony waves me off.

"Too formal, I wanted the hostile approach that says 'Where the hell have you been? Not even a phone call?'."

I inhale, looking around the bar. Countless bottles hang from walls, either empty or completely full of liquor. I lick my lips, annoyed. "Tony, what have you been doing all day?"

Again, he waves me off, sipping his scotch. "I have no recollection of any events that took place between nine last night to approximately five this morning." He explains quickly, most likely hoping that I didn't hear him.

I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"So human pancake, how've ya been?" He spins on his bar stool, giggling like a child.

My mouth drops open. "You drugged the Connors' and sent a team of S.H.I.E.L.D agents to pick me up and bring me to you, just so you could ask me how I've been?"

He hesitates, contemplating my confusion as if it's irrational. "Yes."



The Rise of Hel {Loki Laufeyson} Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now