Chapter Twelve

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"Welcome." Director Fury extends a hand, gesturing for us to sit down. We abide, settling down awkwardly next to each other.

"You wanted to see us?" Peter asks politely. We sit in a dimly lit, bunker-like room with obsidian-painted walls, a large metal door that leads to the resturant overhead, and guards stationed in various corners of the corner. The silence makes for a very grim atmosphere, filled plates laid in front of us, my glass of champagne sparkling from the fire of the single candle in the center of our table. Nick Fury sits across from us, his eyepatch as menacing as always. A glass of red wine perched next to him, barely sipped from.

"Yes," He begins. "I'm here to offer you two a position on my team."

My heart flutters. "The Avengers?" I say hopefully, thinking of working alongside Tony, Steve and Thor, but am soon shot down by his disapproving look.

"Of course not. No teenage amateurs are permitted to be placed on a team as mature as that-"

"Amateurs?" I huff. I took down the daughter of a god - I'm working toward doing it once again. Who does he think I am? He started my journey in the first place by recruiting me for Operation Compound.

"Addie-" Peter starts.

"Becca." I growl and shove my glass in my mouth to keep from jumping across this poorly set table and suffocating Fury myself.

"Yes, amateurs. S.H.I.E.L.D has decided to form a new team consisting of new heroes - including you." He sips his own wine, eyeing me.

I sigh, annoyed. "What?" Peter glances at me from the corner of my eye, confused.

Fury smirks for just a second until his usual scowl reappears. "You, Ms. Talbot, have a reputation for having an amazingly short temper, but I hadn't expected it to be so easily aggravated." He mumbles into his wine.

I mimic him, sipping my champagne as skeptically as he does. "Well, I hadn't expected you to be so easily readable."

Fury stops, setting his glass down. "Excuse me?"

"Your plan - it's obvious." This is my chance to deduce a complicated person. If 'Sherlock' has taught me anything, it's that even the littlest of things can be connected to something so much larger. "Because I'm back - your little fugitive turned spy, you intend to recruit me as soon as possible just because you think me to be a professional. You assume that because I was trained by the 'big bad' himself, I am a highly skilled agent that could be a threat at any point, therefore - your elders have convinced you that I need to pick a side, and soon, before Hel makes your world her own personal hellish playground." I hear Peter's fork clang to his plate once I finish, but I keep my eyes on Fury - who looks indifferent to everything I've just said.

Finally, he allows something that looks similar to appreciation flood his expression. He slowly starts to clap.

"Impressive." He says shortly. Peter continues to plow through the food on his plate as Fury and I continue to challenge each other. "You're correct. They're afraid that if you start to slip away, we'll lose you and ultimately - the battle against the impending enemy forces."

Okay - now I'm curious. "What 'impending enemy forces'?" Peter beats me to it, interjecting for the first time. His plate his empty, as is his glass of water.

"I knew that would catch your attention, Mr. Parker." Fury smirks, lacing his fingers together and leaning forward. "We've learned of an attack being planned behind enemy lines. Hel and her minions-"

"Minions?" She never had minions during our sparse meetings. Why are they popping up just now? "What minions? Hel doesn't have minions."

"Civilian minions. She's brainwashed them into being her own personal army. She knows that we have a rule against touching civilians, therefore she's taken a blow at one of our weak points."

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