Chapter Seventeen

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I slip through the open window of my bedroom and strip off my clothes, pulling on a pajama set. I'm sure that Victoria and Skyson slept in their clothes, completely wasted like I was from last night, but if Jonah sees us with a lack of festive pajamas, he'll have a frickin tantrum.

I check the time; 5:18. My head is violently pounding, and I still have some time before Jonah wakes up and jumps around the house.

I scurry off to the bathroom, splashing cold water over my hot face and swallowing an Asprin, looking at myself in the mirror. I look like complete shit. Bags under my tired eyes, unruly hair, sunken cheeks... I look like something I'd usually try to kill.

Feeling slightly depressed, I sulk back over to Addison's bedroom and hop in bed, waiting for Jonah. I stay there for a few minutes, eyes squeezed shut, until I hear him open the door and rush in, jumping up and down on the mattress.

"Addie! Addie! It's Christmas! Get up!" He screams and runs out. His screaming causing my brain to explode in my skull and I just lay there, dead. I don't want to move, I want to go back to sleep, or vomit, or both... But I get up anyway, praying that the Asprin will take affect any minute now. I hear Jonah bounding down the stairs, yelling at Victoria and Skyson to wake up as well. I roll my eyes, running my shaky fingers through my hair. I've never hated Christmas more than I do today.

We crowd around the tree, ripping open presents and throwing the wrapping paper on the floor to clean up later. Soon, we're finished and so is Christmas - that is, until Victoria starts to cook the Christmas turkey and calls all of the relatives to come over once again. Most of them are still hungover from last night so they have to turn down the offer, but some of them promise that they'll be here to celebrate with us. Great.

If I can, I plan on leaving tonight.

I crawl over to Jonah, ruffling his hair. "So Jo Jo, how was your Christmas morning?"

He beams up at me and shakes his Iron Man LEGO set. I want to tell him so badly that I actually know Iron Man, but I know that I can't - not without revealing everything I'd been keeping from them. "I loved it! Josh and Kyle will be soooo jealous of this!" He rips open the box and starts to build it all, making the jet sounds from Iron Man's suit and fighting bad guys.

Skyson kneels next to me. "Mine was good too, thanks for asking." He yawns, his blonde surfer hair as just a mess as mine.

I chuckle. "What's your favourite gift?"

He strokes his non-existent beard. "My remote control car."


He sighs, a dramatic look on his face. "Because it's the closest I'll ever get to a real car." He fake cries, pulling me into a bear hug. I laugh until my sides hurt.

He stops, letting me get up. "What was yours?"

I think. "I think, my new boots. I'm loving them!" I say and pull them onto my feet, getting up and sporting them.

Skyson laughs at me. "You're such a dork."

"You're no better." I throw a pillow from the couch at him. It hits him in the face and we get into a full blown pillow fight. Jonah joins in, hitting me in the back and I fall into Sky, grabbing Jonah and pulling him down with us. We roll off of each other, giggling hysterically.

Victoria comes into the room, checking her watch. "Addison, don't you have somewhere to be in 15 minutes?"

I go to a sitting position. "No. Why?"

"You're supposed to meet Peter at his house this morning. Get up and get ready."

Shit. She's right.

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