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Two girls walk through the French Quarter

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Two girls walk through the French Quarter. A blonde and a brunette. Both in their twenties and stopping in a real witch shop.

Rieka picks up some sandalwood, vervain, sage, and other herbs. She walks to the front and sees a necklace with a wolf tooth on it, so she picks it up. She walks to the counter with Hayley behind her, she goes to pick up a necklace filled with wolfsbane, but Rieka slaps her hand.

"What the hell?"

"Watch what you touch, you're in a witch's store. Anything could be spelled or, I don't know, have wolfsbane in it," The blonde hisses lowly then check out. "Thanks."

They walk out of the shop and down the street to Rousseau's, a bar and grill. They sit at the counter and order. Hayley orders gumbo but Rieka orders a Philly steak and cheese sandwich with fries as a side drink Hayley had water and Rieka coke.

"So, we looked here and here," Hayley points at the map. "Where else could they be?"

"Maybe they relocated or something," Rieka scratches her head. "And this wig is scratchy and I'm halfway to going old-fashion on it."

"Just until we leave this place then you can put the red one on, Rylee," Hayley smirks.

Rieka was forced to wear a wig and go by a false name because she had a knack for making enemies and she's in new territory, they didn't want her to get found out. She was forced by none other than her fiance.

"I hate wigs," She grumbles then bites into her sandwich. "But, if I can eat this it's well worth it."

Hayley laughs.


Once Rieka and Hayley made it to their temporary home, a hotel just a few blocks from the quarter, Rieka laid on her bed. She was glad that she wasn't sharing a room with Hayley, considering the calls and 'visits', AKA the necklaces, she's had with Klaus the last few days. She felt a pull and was sucked into another place.

She opens her eyes to see Klaus painting since she wasn't there, he couldn't feel her presents like normally. She walks behind him and sits down. He was painting a wedding on a beach with a sunset behind it.

"That's beautiful," She spoke up, startling the male.

"Bloody hell, love. You snuck up on me," He laughs then sits next to her.

"It's kind of your thing, I was just laying on my bed and was sucked here. You're thinking about me," She smiles sweetly at him. He goes to grab her hand but it goes through. He groans and lays his head on the back of the leather couch.

"I miss you, dearly. I wish to have physical contact with you."

"Sorry, but we're trying. We have no leads on either side. Werewolves have vanished completely, and Davina Claire isn't anywhere to be found. It's like she disappeared without a trace along with the wolves," She rubs her face. "And I miss you and it's all frustrating me."

"I wish I could give you a massage and ease your struggle," He huffs. She smiles at him.

"I know what you're doing, Nik," His face falls, he knows she knows what he's doing. She knows him too well. "I'm not coming back...yet."

"Soon," He pouts.

She smiles. "Very. I couldn't leave you by for long, the world might implode."

"As long as you're safe and happy everything shall be fine because you are my world," He looks at her with faux innocence, then blinks a few times. She busts out in giggles.

"How long have you been coming up with that line?"

"The moment I saw you in my first dreams," He smirks.

"You cheesy devil," She laughs.

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