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Hey it's me, the author, obviously. That was stupid. Anyways, I just wanted to update you all on why I haven't updated my books or anything.

1. It was Christmas

2. Me and my mother, who I can't stand- #mommyissues - had a big fight and I officially kicked her from my live! Probably for the best: she's toxic!

3. The day after my father, who I'm very very close with, had a heart attack and stuff! I was terrified!

4. We've had to help him more and Wattpad writing wasn't as big on my to-do list since he's been home!

5. Work, enough said.

6. New Years was the other day, happy 2022 btw!

7. I've been a little, how do I put this, depressed lately.

That's all I'll rant to you with but I'm taking a break from writing for a week or more, sorry to disappoint! I hope all your holidays were/are well.

I started a new book, Mafia romance, on my account! Please check it out!

Wishing you all Love, safety, and health,

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