Chapter Ten

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After a...very long morning with her fiance, Rieka and Hayley are in the study with Elijah, Javen as the immortal wolf speaks out. Rieka was waiting for her man to retrieve the food that she craved, and Hayley was listening intently.

"The Italians call them Strega," Javen tells. "The Yoruba of West Africa call them Aje-"

 "The Yoruba of West Africa call them Aje-"

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Rieka cuts him off. "Meaning mother," He purses his lips at her interruption she smirks at her uncle, reminding him of his late brother.

Elijah picks up where he left off when he's silent. "Where my mother was from, they called them Hexa, and here we call them witch. Like our dear Rieka. Over the centuries, vampires have fought them and fought beside them. Bedded them."

"They also burned them, don't forget that, 'Lijah," The only witch in the room adds, Javen chuckles at his niece's words.

Elijah signs at the two Bellissima's antics. "Whether adversary or ally, they have been a force to be reckoned with, much like someone we all know very well," Rieka smiles innocently as they all look in her direction. "Their ancestral magic anchors this city. There's never been one all-powerful witch, until Rieka and Davina. Although Davina's is ritualistic, Rieka's is her nature."

"Davina is now tucked in safe and sound down the hall under our-" He tells as he gestures between him, his fiance, and Javen as he hands her the food. "-Protection."

Rieka smirks when Elijah pulls a face at her words, which are muffled by her cup of pineapple juice. "Something we obviously didn't use."

Javen shakes his head, Hayley, like Elijah, pulls a grimace, and Klaus chuckles as Javen continues. "Your Celeste was quite beautiful."

"She's also a portent of evil, according to my cousin."

Elijah nods, agreeing with the hybrid girl. "Yes. Perhaps Davina's mistaken what she calls evil for power. Celeste was certainly very powerful in her day, but she's been dead for over two hundred years. I don't understand why all these sketches now," He points out as he sits on the couch.

"Why does any witch do anything," Klaus jest, Rieka scoffs.

"One: Nobody stays dead when it comes to us. Two: I wondered the same thing when I got with you," She tells seriously but she was trying to ruffle his feathers. Klaus rolls his eyes at her the grabs her waist. Rieka was standing by the desk when Klaus grabbed her and pulls her down into his lap, a yelp ripping from her throat making them all chuckle. They heard things smashing around the room Davina was occupying.

They all look that way then Klaus, who had one hand supporting his future wife's back, the other rubbing small circles on her stomach, smiles as he speaks. "Well, that's going well."

"If you were trying to win the girl's trust, perhaps poisoning, curing, then compelling him away without her knowledge so she still thinks him dead, her one, true love was not the most splendid idea."

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