Chapter Three

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Rieka was still mad with Hayley, for some reason Hayley couldn't fathom

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Rieka was still mad with Hayley, for some reason Hayley couldn't fathom. She thought she was doing her a favor, but Rieka didn't think so.

Klaus burnt the bodies, Hayley was reading Elijah's journals, and Rebekah was being her.

The Mikaelson siblings are hanging out in the living room. Rebekah looks out the window. "I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire."

Klaus sighs. "Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked my helpless, pregnant mate who's carrying our child and her dull friend."

"Oh," She sighs. "I am so moved by your newfound sense of fatherly duty toward the immortal werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven."

Klaus chuckles then sobers up as Rieka saunters in. "One, I have the supernatural hearing of a wolf. Two, not helpless. Three, the werewolf would like to know what the plan is."

Klaus walks over and greets her with a kiss on her head and slings his arm around her shoulder. "Well, that depends on what plan you mean, love. My plan for global domination. Or, Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world," He taunts. She hums then throws a sharped pencil at his face. Rieka flinched as he caught it with a smirk.

"The plan to rescue Elijah," She leans into him.

"You know-the good brother," Hayley adds as she waltzes in. "The one who's now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back!"

Rieka rolls her eyes at the dramatics. Klaus sighs at her, still enraged for trying to kill his unborn child. "In the front, if we're being specific."

"While, am still mad at her, I agree. You guys said that you'd get him back. So...Plan or no?"

"Ok," Klaus lets go of her and walks to his desk. "Well, Firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy. He's my friend, albeit one who is unaware that I am trying to sabotage his hold on the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend nonetheless, and secondly, I daggered Elijah to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty, teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently, and, thirdly, sister, please."

She rolls her eyes at her brother. "And thirdly, the plan, as you two have demand, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back."

Hayley gapes at them. "That's-that's not the whole plan, is it?"

Rebekah lowly chuckles. "Oh, please. Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical."

"Well, that's only the plan 'A', Hayley. There's always a plan 'B'," Klaus tells the wolf.

"And what's plan 'B'?"

He smirks at his mate. "Let me guess," She whispers.


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