Chapter Eleven

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After their weekend getaway, the hybrid couple returned to New Orleans. They were happy to have a normal few days, but Rieka was sad about her cousin whom she didn't get to spend too much time with.

Rieka was studying Davina's drawings with Hayley when the Nobel Original saunters in. "There you both are."

The wolves look up at him, Rieka smiles, and Hayley barely glances at him as she looks through the artwork

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The wolves look up at him, Rieka smiles, and Hayley barely glances at him as she looks through the artwork. "Here we are."

Elijah looks down at the art and states that they're Davina's drawings. Rieka sarcastically pipes up. "Nope. A secret passage to Narnia."

Elijah looks at her humorlessly. Hayley intervenes. "Yeah. Morbid, I know."

"We're trying to find out where the Harvest Magic went. Not back into the earth, I'd have felt it. Also, why is drawing Celeste? We're just killing time now that we're on vampire lockdown courtesy of my fiance."

Elijah looks at the women that sit upon the bed. "Whoever did this, we will deal with them. It won't belong."

"I'm not worried, 'Lijah," Rieka states with a grin.

Hayley pipes up after her. "Just thinks it's kind of funny that it took some big, supernatural threat for you to even come into the same room as me."

Rieka grimaces as she stands and leaves the room, she enters her and Klaus's shared room and strips down naked

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Rieka grimaces as she stands and leaves the room, she enters her and Klaus's shared room and strips down naked. She walks to the wardrobe and changes from shorts, a cardigan, and a tank top and into black jeans, a bodysuit that's maroon with a plunged v-neckline, heeled boots, and one of her mates leather jackets.

She let down her loose curls and did a cateye and lipstick that matched her top.

She looks in the mirror and smirks at herself. "Damn, I am sexy."

She whips out her phone and takes a picture with her large smile. She was standing to the side to show her bump off as she snapped it. She presses Klaus's name and sends it to him with a text.

'We miss you, baby!'

She grabs the T.V. remote and turns on some music whilst she reads her spicy book, as she handles herself, seeing as her lover wasn't near her.

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