Chapter Seven

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Rieka's eyes flutter open as she feels his arm constrict around her waist

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Rieka's eyes flutter open as she feels his arm constrict around her waist. She looks up to see his resting face, his shallow breathing, parted lips, and nose which scrunches when her hair touches it as he holds her to his naked front. She moves her arms from his bare chest and torso vining them to touch his godly face features.

She leans up and kisses his cheek, forehead, nose, then neck. He peels his eyes open as she kisses up his jawline, he grabs the back of her neck and hums in pleasure. She looks up at him with a grin as she greets him. "Hi."

"Hello, darling," His deep morning voice greets her back then sits against the headboard. She shivers at the sound, her hormones are mixing her emotions up. She sits up and crawls into his lap, his hands shoot to her hips as she kisses his neck. She bites down making a mark, her heat also presses down making him hiss. "What a joyful way to wake up in the morning."

She mumbles in agreement as she runs her hands down his front moving her hips back and forth against him. He moans lowly at her actions. She pushes off of him. "Hold on, we can continue in a second."

He groans, emitting a laugh from the woman. She reaches into a dresser and grabs a spelled sage stick. He furrows his brows and questions her. "What are you doing?"

"Privacy spell. Sage infused with Eurycoma Longifolia and Ylang Ylang. It's to help sexual arousal in both females and males," She explains as she lights the stick of Sage. He narrows his eyes at the way she said it, he thought she was insulting him. Almost hearing his deject mood, she laughs. "That's not how I meant it and you know that."

He scoffs. "Then how did you mean it, Rieka?"

"They're aphrodisiac plants. They help performance and...other things."


"Really? Do you not trust me," She inquires.

"No, I do. I trust you, but I feel...insulted. Are you saying I need to enhance my sexual performances," He asks seriously, but she just laughs at him.

"Aphrodisiacs are plants or oils...or drugs, in this case, plants, that help increase sexual desire, attractions, pleasure, behavior, and it has nothing to with you. I mixed it with a privacy spell so your sister can't hear our activities. It has to do with me, a stress problem. One I don't want to talk about now. So, either be quiet and let me work my magic or I put this stick out and you can handle yourself," She shrugs at him but jumps when he vamps behind her.

"You can talk to me, you know that, right? I am here, no matter the reason, love," He whispers in her ear but his pupils dilate when he smells them.

"It packs a kick, you know? The scents help with brain chemicals, the sex ones," She leans into him as he kisses her neck, shoulder, under her ear. She spins around and brings his face to hers in a heated kiss as she grips his hair. He grabs her crop top and rips it over her head as she pulls his sweats down. He kisses her collarbones and the tops of her unclad breasts.

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