Chapter Twenty

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Rieka's eyes flutter open when she feels feather-like touches on her bare torso, she glances at the blonde leaning on his elbow smiling down at her. She smiles tiredly then stretches out.

"Good morning, my love. Did you sleep alright," He inquires as he pecks her bare shoulder and neck then stands up. She sits up to admire the view of her fiance.

"I did, and good morning to you, too, Nik," She gets up and walks to the bathroom to shower. Things between them haven't been the same since Hope's 'death' but it's slowly creeping back to them. They haven't done a lot of intimate things for months. Klaus is a little closed off as he works to level the supernatural community to their favor and Rieka is still hurting.

Her inner wolf feels a pull, one different from the pull to Klaus. One stronger, like it's pulling of the strings of her heart and it pains her to feel. It's longing. And she knows what it is, it's her baby. Her daughter. Blood calls to blood. Jaxin told her all about how Bellissima's feel a pull or tug in their chest when they need their child, told her he felt it when they left her with the Donovan's.

She blow-dries her hair and Dutch braids it, lining her lower lashline is a bold black eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss on her lips. She has on a blue tee, black jeans, and heeled combat boots. Her ring on her finger and necklaces on her chest.

She walks down the steps to see a table of fruits, bread, orange juice, bacon, scrambled eggs, milk, pie, and hashed browns. She picks at a piece of buttered bread and eats the toasted crust as her mate comes down the stairs and to the table. "So...which restaurants missing a compelled chef?" She asks.

"It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this

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"It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this." He tells his fiance after he pecks her forehead.

She hums with a smile. "Then, I guess we have Elijah to thank."

"This wasn't my doing." He comes down a different flight of stairs, sauntering toward's the couple.

"Javen?" Klaus inquires.

"No, he's either, he's been gone all morning." Rieka winks at them, he went out partying with some wolves last night, out of New Orleans. "So, then, where did this all come from?" As soon as the words left her mouth, a lid started to rattle and she stepped back. "Holy hell! Nope!" Klaus steps in front of her as he lifts the lid, making two birds fly away and a notecard to be revealed, Rieka gasps as one comes close to her. "What the hell was that?"

Her mate lifts the note and reads it, Rieka peaking over his shoulder. Dinner. Your home. 8 pm. it stated in bold lettering. "An invitation from our mother." He reveals this to his older brother.

"Her, again." Rieka groans and shuffles back to her room. She didn't want to see Esther because she had Hope 'killed'. Almost had Rieka killed, actually, she did die. Klaus, sensing her mood, followed her to their room. She plopped backward on the bed with her feet dangling off as Klaus walks to the balcony, both wallowing in the hate of seeing his mother again.

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