Chapter Six

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A gut-clenching fear is all that Klaus felt when he smelt blood outside. He saw a broken plate, a shattered table, and dribbles of blood in a trail that cut off. Her scent disappeared and was covered by something else, Painite. It covered her scent like a blanket, wrapping around it and hiding it. They went to their family home.

He vamps into the middle of the fighting ring, snapping a vampire's neck, as he glowers at Marcel. "Good evening. I'd like a word."

"What do you think you're doing," Marcel snarls.

"It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs," All the vampires look at the eldest brother as he saunters beside Klaus with Hayley beside him. "We've come here for the girl. Give her to us, or...we kill everyone here."

Klaus smirks at the vampire

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Klaus smirks at the vampire. "Starting with you."

The vampire laughs at the trio. "You three got a lot of nerve...coming into my home and making demands."

Klaus scoffs at him. "You're home, is it? The lady! I will not ask again!"

"I assume you're talking about Rieka--" Marcel says as he holds his hand at five-foot-four inches. "'Bout yay high, dark hair, bitchy attitude. Who is she anyway?"

"She's an old friend," Klaus begins with a lie. "You know how sentimental I am about old friends."

"Well, I ain't got her, and before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier night. I was feeling nostalgic. So, I took a trip to the plantation where I used to be a slave, and that Jaxin Bellissima bought a few decades back, and imagine my surprise when I realized that the Original Family of Vampires had taken up residence. Your girl Rieka answered the door. We exchanged hellos, she threw the door closed with her mind. That was it," He tells truthfully.

"You don't believe me, look around," He continues

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"You don't believe me, look around," He continues. "Hell, I'll even help you find her, but the question I'd ask is, if Rieka isn't here, then where is she?"

Klaus wipes his face as he looks to Elijah then back. "If we don't find her, I will kill everyone and thing in this city and on until I do," He warns then walks off.

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