Chapter Five: Thinking About You.

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"Anything to report, Pit?" Palutena asked when the captain of her army walked into the main room of the temple. He had just gotten back from his mission.

"There were a few Underworld monsters that attacked me, but none of their commanders were around." He replies as he walks over to the window where his Goddess was standing.

"Good, I suppose I was just being paranoid, then." She sighs then smiles softly.

Pit nodded. "Mhm, though I was almost finished by a Clubberskull." Pit brought up the encounter with a shudder, that experience was gonna stick with him for a while, that's for sure.

"Oh? How did you manage to hold it off and escape?" Palutena asks, turning to him.

"Oh, I didn't, I drained most of its health, but Pittoo managed to kill it with only one shot." Pit says with a smile, remembering his doppelgänger's heroic entrance at the last moment. You'd think that he'd be embarrassed by having to be rescued, especially by his rival, but now that he thought about it, he was kinda flattered by the action.

"Pittoo was in the Underworld? Oh no, he hasn't joined them, has he?" Palutena fretted.

"Huh? No way! He told me Viridi had suspicions of the Underworld being up to no good, just like you feared, and sent him to check it out like you did me, we just happened to be in the same area at the same time." Pit explained quickly.

She nods but still looked unsure, biting her lip, she looked to the side to avoid eye contact with him. "Still, I don't think you should trust him, after all, he does work for Viridi and she's technically against us because we protect the humans."

Pit frowned. "I know, but he's not all bad, he probably only does what she says so he gets to use the power of flight, I don't think he'd willingly harm humans." He defends his dark twin.

"I suppose so, but still, be careful around him, I have a bad feeling..." She says softly as she begins to walk away. "Anyway, it's almost dinner time, I should start preparing the meal."

"Dinner? Aw yeah!" Pit cheered as he hurriedly followed her to the kitchen.


It was about half past ten at night when Pit was getting into bed, after Lady Palutena made pasta and they ate it together, he went to the hot springs and spent about two hours in there before getting out and then walked around the temple aimlessly. There was never much to do when he wasn't training himself to become stronger, or the Centurions.

"Jeeze today was exhausting, at least I'm not in pain anymore thanks to the hot spring." Pit said to himself as he pulled the covers over him, yawning.

"Well you won't have to face another Clubberskull for a while at least, as long as none of the Underworld Commanders start another war..." Palutena said to him telepathically, she was also getting ready for bed.

"Yeah, hopefully they never do." Pit murmured, closing his tired eyes. "But if that does happen, I'll slaughter them all." He adds with a chuckle.

"I don't doubt that." The Goddess responds, smiling softly. "Get some rest Pit." She could tell by the sound of his voice that he was about to fall asleep.

"I will, goodnight!" He replies cheerfully.

"Night." Is Palutena's response and cuts off their psychic connection.

Pit takes off his laurel crown and places it on the nightstand beside his bed, turning to lay on his side he closes his eyes and begins to drift off...

Except he doesn't, he couldn't stop thinking about what Pittoo had told him when they were in the Underworld. Was he really being serious? Or was it some kind of trick? Did Viridi set him up to it to gain his trust so when he least expects it she would make a move and attack him or Skyworld? They say that angels can't lie, but Pittoo is a clone, a dark clone...

No, Pit could tell that his dark self was being honest, but he was right when he said it was sudden when he confessed, but it's not like him and Dark Pit hang out regularly, so he never saw the signs, if he was even observant enough to notice how he would've been acting differently around him anyway...

Pit groaned and turned onto his back so he could stare at the ceiling of his bedroom. Did he like him back? He wasn't sure, wouldn't it be weird? To date someone who is basically a different version of yourself? No not basically, is, and they're also your complete opposite in every way?...

"Why does this have to be so confusing?" Pit asked himself in a whisper. "I never even considered, having those kinds of feelings for him, or anyone, really..." He sighed and changed position again, this time he was lying on his stomach. "Maybe I'll have the answer when I wake up..."

And with a final yawn, Pit closed his eyes again, and this time actually managed to fall asleep.

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