Chapter Ten: Confrontation.

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Pit and Dark Pit went their seperate ways for the night, even though they desperately wanted to stay where they were, they couldn't. Especially since they were deep into a hot make out session, Pittoo even had Pit pinned against a nearby tree.

Anyway, as Dark Pit was getting flown home by Phosphora, who actually showed up on time to pick him up, Pit was gliding towards the edge of the island that held the Temple of Light. When he landed, he yawned and made his way to the temple to go to his room and sleep before the morning came.

He walked through the large front doors of the Temple, the inside was dark, the only light source coming from the tall windows on either side of the front room, letting in moonlight.

Luckily for Pit, he knew this place like the back of his hand, so he didn't really need to see where he was going while in the darkness.

He headed into the direction of his bedroom, which took around five minutes, yeah this place is huge, Palutena is one rich bitch, but all the Gods are in some form.

Pit reaches his room's door, just as he was about to turn the handle to open the door to go in, he heard footsteps a ways behind him, causing him to pause his hand's movements.


He gasped quietly and slowly turned his head to look behind him, standing there in her night gown was the Goddess Of Light herself, Lady Palutena.

"O-Oh! Hi, what are you doing up?" Pit asks, fully turning around so he was properly facing her.

"I could ask you the same thing." She replies, her tone dark.

She's behaving different, I wonder- Wait, does she know? No, she couldn't, I haven't told her yet. Pit thinks to himself as he studies her facial expression, which gave nothing away.

"Oh, I was just getting back from the kitchen, you know me, I gotta always have my midnight snacks, haha." He replies with a somewhat awkward laugh. Gods I hope she doesn't see through that...

"But you didn't come from the direction of the kitchen." Palutena points out, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

Pit bites his lip, eyes flickering around the hallway as nervous sweat started to drop from his forehead. "I went for a walk afterwards, I didn't feel tired after eating but now I do! So goodnight!" He turns back towards the door quickly and puts his hand on the handle to open it, when...

"Not so fast." Palutena says curtly as she uses her godly powers to have Pit float up from the floor and move towards her, now he was hovering directly in front of her face, and boy was it a mad looking one.

"I know you're lying to me." She mutters, only just loud enough for him to hear her. "I know what you've been doing..."

Pit gulped and looked at her with wide, scared eyes.

Oh no...

Palutena summons her staff and waves it so then Pit drops back down onto the marble floor, landing on his ass. "Ouch!"

"Why didn't you tell me, Pit?" She asks, genuine hurt in her eyes as she looked down at her captain, her most trusted and loyal warrior. Not so trustful or loyal now, is he?

"I didn't know what you would think!" He defended his actions. "How was I supposed to know you wouldn't have kept me from seeing him? I know that he's technically our enemy as long as he works for Viridi!"

The Goddess gives him a stern look, taking a step forward. "Still, you shouldn't have lied to me! I don't care that you're romantically involved with your clone! I'm angry because you thought it would be a good idea to keep it a secret from me! Your boss! But I have my ways of finding stuff out, a Centurion overheard you two talking on that island, so that's how I know." She says with a huff, the bottom of her staff hitting the floor harshly to emphasise her point.

Pit looked up at her before getting up into a standing position, his expression was serious before it turned into worry. "What are you going to do to me?" He asked, fearful.

Palutena glared at him before sighing. She was about to speak when Pit cut her off.

"You're not going to make me break up with him are you? You can't Lady Palutena! Please! I-... I love him." Pit pleaded, a little surprised that he actually said that out loud, he knew he loved him, he had just never actually said it before now, but Pittoo hasn't said it to him yet either, guess they were waiting for the right time.

Palutena was about to snap at him for interrupting her but stopped when she got a good look at him, studying him closer, Pit actually looked like he was about to cry.

"Oh, Pit..." She whispers, walking towards him to give him a hug.

Pit let out a chocked sob as he hugged her back and buried his face into her chest, shaking.

"Were you really that scared of what I would do if I found out about you two?" She asked in a soft tone of voice.

Pit didn't say anything, but Palutena did feel him nod against her as he hadn't yet lifted his face to look at her.

She sighs and gently pushes him back at arms length as she looks down at him, Pit barely made it to her shoulders he was so short.

She's quiet for a few moments before finally talking. "Look, I'm still going to punish you for lying, but I won't forbid you from seeing Dark Pit, romantically or not."

Pit's teary eyes widened, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "R-Really? You're not mad that I'm dating my rival and commander to the Forces of Nature?"

Palutena shook her head. "Viridi's been good lately with her hatred for humans and hasn't been killing them off, mostly... So you can do whatever you like with him." She says with a slight smirk.

Pit looked at her confused for a second or two before realising what she was implying, causing him to blush. "W-we've only been together for just over a month! It's too early for that!" He exclaims, embarrassed.

She laughs, but then becomes serious again. "However, I'm still gonna have to punish you for lying to me." She warns, her voice stern.

Pit went from embarrassed to worried real quick, gulping, he said. "I'll accept it." He says softly, bowing slightly.

"Okay," She continues. "No using the hot springs, unless absolutely necessary, and by necessary I mean that you'll have to be on the brink of death, for a month."

Pit gasps, his eyes silently pleading, she couldn't be serious. He opens his mouth to protest, but one look from the Goddess of Light shut him up immediately. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and dipped his head so it was facing the floor. "Of course, Lady Palutena." He utters.

"Good, now, go to bed, you look like you might fall asleep standing up." She tells the angel with a small smile.

Pit opens his eyes and looks back up at her with a grin. "You don't have to tell me twice."

And with that being said, he turns around and opens his bedroom door, but before going inside he turns back to his boss. "Hey Lady Palutena?"

She was in the middle of going back to her own room when she heard him. She stops in her tracks and turns her head to look back at him. "Yeah?"

Pit looks down for a moment then back up at her. "...Thank you, for understanding- and... And for accepting that Pittoo and I are together." He says softly with a grateful look, then he turns around once again and completely enters his room, closing the door behind him.

Palutena smiles softly for a moment, but then frowns, suddenly feeling dread.

"I just hope that Viridi never finds out about you two..." She whispers to herself before making her way again towards her quarters.

"...After all, she's not gonna take it as well as I have..."

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