Chapter Seventeen: Parting Ways.

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It was the day after the trio had made their battle plan final, and Dark Pit was getting ready to leave Skyworld to go to Viridi's realm.

Pit had been awfully quiet since their meeting to discuss the plan was over, and he was acting rather clingy to Pittoo, he really didn't want him to leave, but he didn't have a choice in the matter.

Dark Pit didn't want to leave either, but if he delivered enough valuable information to Palutena about Viridi and her Commanders then they would have an advantage if a war were to break out, and if- no, when Pit and Palutena where victorious, then he could come back here to Skyworld and live with Pit for the rest of their immortal lives, so he'll do it without complaint, just gotta be patient. Easier said then done.

Palutena was there with them, at the edge of Skyworld that was facing the same direction as where Viridi's palace was located. The Goddess of Light had granted Pittoo the power of flight, but was not to control his flight path, as he was to tell Viridi that he had asked a different God to give him the power, so it looked like he didn't have anything to do with Pit or his boss.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys... When I see you." Dark Pit says awkwardly, his wings spread out and ready for take off.

Palutena simply nods to him, her face showing mixed emotions, but mostly concern for his safety, she knew that if anything were to happen to him, it would break Pit, and that's the last thing she wants, without him in the right mental state, it could be catastrophic for Skyworld and it's survival.

Pittoo looked at his boyfriend, worry and sadness in his eyes, hopefully he would be alright without him here, that they both would be...

Pit's eyes teared up, he runs over to Pittoo and hugs him tightly, burying his face into his shoulder. "Don't go." He whispered in the most desperate voice Dark Pit had ever heard him use.

The dark angel could feel his heart hurt a little. "You know I have to, we won't be safe if we don't take action, if I don't do this mission." He whispers, hugging Pit back just as tightly.

The light angel just lets out a sob, pulling back a little so he could look his love in the eyes. "You better come back alive, or I swear to the Gods that I'll go down to the the underworld and kill you myself, well, your soul at least." He says, trying not to cry but failing.

Dark Pit really didn't want to see him cry, especially when he was technically the cause, so in order to get him to stop, he cupped his face in both hands and leaned in to kiss him hard, to really make it count since it may be the last time for a while.

Pit kissed back instantly, tears running down his cheeks as he did so, so much for Pittoo to prevent him from crying more, oh well.

They both pulled away at the same time, staring at each other with sad eyes. Eventually, they let go of each other, and Dark Pit walked up to the edge, wings spread out further, he used them to lift up into the sky and in the direction of Viridi's temple.

"I love you." Pit whispered to himself before he started sobbing again and turned away from watching Dark Pit leave, it was too much for him to handle.

Palutena watched him go, a determined look on her face as she whispered; "Good luck Pittoo, please be safe, for Pit's sake..."

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