Chapter Seven: The First Date.

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It was finally the day that Pit and Pittoo were to go out to dinner together, and Dark Pit has never felt more nervous than he does right now. Ever.

"Godsdamnit, it's just Pit, why do I feel like this?" He asked himself as he sat on his bed in his room that was located in Viridi's Temple.

"That idiot is going to be the death of me." He mumbles while resting his cheek on his palm, staring at the wall.

"Maybe if you stopped being so negative you'd actually look forward to the date." A voice interrupted his deep thinking.

"Shut it Phosphora, if I wanted your advice I would have come looking for you." Pittoo growled, not bothering to look at her.

Phosphora was the first and only other person that lived in the nature temple to know of his crush on Pit, and the only reason she knows in the first place is because he was obvious about it, every time the angel of light's name was mentioned, he would act differently, and Phosphora was, thankfully, the only one to actually notice, and luckily for the dark angel, she's sworn to never tell a soul, especially Viridi, and also because if she did blab, he'd see to it that she'd never be able to talk again.

"Would you actually?" Phosphora asked as she zipped over to him at the speed of lightning, literally if you blinked you wouldn't see her move.

"No, I have my pride." He replies, finally turning his head to look at her.

She just gives him a playful smirk. "Stubborn ass, anyway, stop being so grumpy! You're finally going out with the boy of your dreams! Who just happens to be yourself!" She exclaims enthusiastically.

"Yeah, but what if something goes wrong? Or I do something to put him off of me for good? What if we're attacked? What if-" Dark Pit's rambling was cut off by Phosphora putting a finger on his lips.

"Stop thinking that way, besides, what makes you think that Pit isn't just as nervous as you are?" She says, trying to get him to calm down.

Pittoo stared at her for a moment before closing his eyes and sighing as she removed her finger. "You're right," He murmurs. "I should stop over thinking, I can't believe I find this more stressful than the time we had to fight against Hades and his army, or the Chaos Kin." He added with a chuckle, now realising how ridiculous he was being.

"Exactly, this should be a much easier task, just be how you always are, or, maybe not as grumpy as you usually are. Y'know what I mean." Phosphora replies with a reassuring smile.

Dark Pit playfully glared at her before shaking his head. "I'll try, now leave so I can get ready." He says.

"Fine fine I'm going." She says with a slight laugh.

And just like that she leaves the dark angel's room in the blink of an eye.


Pittoo is dropped off by Viridi on the edge of Skyworld at exactly five pm, luckily for him when he told her the reason, well' 'lie', he had to come here, she thought it was hilarious that Pit had to buy him dinner, a lucky thing that she didn't really ask too much about the bet he apparently 'won'.

He looks around for a moment before spotting Pit running towards him.

"Hey!" He called out just before reaching him, panting heavily.

"You didn't have to run you know, I just got here." Dark Pit replied with a chuckle, Gods he was cute when he was excited about something.

Pit caught his breath as he looked at him. "I know, but I didn't want to keep you waiting at all! This first date does have to go perfectly, after all." He says with a bright smile, which caused Dark Pit to blush and look away.

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