Chapter Twenty: Declaring War.

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"Pittoo, could you go and tell the others that I want them in the throne room, I need to discuss something with you lot." Viridi says, petting a Nutski that had flown into the throne room and then landed on her lap.

The angel sighs and agrees to go do what she asked, she'd probably yell at him if he said no anyway and he didn't want to deal with that right now.

Dark Pit walks around the gardens first, usually Arlon was around here to make sure all the plants were healthy, there's way too many of them in his opinion, at least Palutena's temple only had a few well kept flower beds and plant pots that looked nice and weren't all over the fucking place like the plants are here.

He spots the Serene near some trees, checking on a rose bush to make sure it was growing well and healthy.

"Yo!" Pittoo calls out as he walks closer to the ridiculously tall, pink-skinned man. "Viridi has called a meeting."

Arlon jumped slightly at hearing Dark Pit's shout. He turns his head in the direction he head heard his voice to look at the dark angel. He sighs. "Alright, I'll head to the throne room as soon as I'm done here." He replies curtly.

Pittoo just nods as a response and leaves to go look for Phosphora or Cragalanche, whoever he finds first.

Good thing for him, Cragalanche was really easy to find, him being so big and all, since he's a giant, living boulder.

The dark angel just tells him that Viridi wanted to see him along with the others in the throne room to discuss something important, however the giant rock didn't respond, but he expected that since the creature couldn't talk, so he just leaves to look for the third and final member of the Forces of Nature commanders, Phosphora.

The only place he could think of her being at right now was her room, so that's where he went to look.

Once arriving, he knocks on the door obnoxiously loud, to make sure that she would hear it, but mostly just to annoy her. Why? Because it's fucking funny.

The door opens to reveal the Lightning Goddess. "Yeah?" She says once the door was fully opened, a hand on her hip.

"Viridi wants us all in the throne room." He replies simply.

"Why?" Phosphora asks, leaning against her bedroom's doorframe.

Dark Pit just shrugs in response. "Don't ask me, she just told me to spread the word." He replies.

"Alright." She says, stepping out of her room and closing the door behind her. "Let's go then."

Pittoo nods and begins to walk back to where Viridi would be waiting, Phosphora floating next to him.

It was silent between them before Phosphora decided to speak. "Hey, is all of that stuff you said about Pit true? That you were just using him to get information?" She asked, side glancing him.

Dark Pit tensed for a moment, not expecting that question. He sighed, not wanting to lie to her since he considered her a friend, as annoying as she was, but he had no other choice, he couldn't get caught now, and he can't risk her telling Viridi about this conversation, especially if he said the wrong thing.

"Yes." He answers simply, not looking at her.

"Wait, really? You did that to him?" She asks, shocked, she honestly thought that he was bullshitting when he said that, just to get on Viridi's good side. Little did she know that she was one hundred percent right about that assumption.

"Yep. I want nothing to do with that idiot or his stupid Goddess." He growls, mentally punching himself for saying those things about Pit and Palutena, but mostly about Pit.

'You don't mean it, Dark Pit, just remember that...'

Phosphora's shocked expression doesn't leave her as she stops in her tracks- (er, float?, never mind.) which then caused Pittoo to also stop and look back at her in confusion, since he took a couple steps more after she stopped where she floated, looking down at the hallway's floor.

She looks up at him, her face changing to one of disappointment and a slight hint of anger. "I can't believe you would actually do something so... Cruel... Playing with someone's feelings like that, especially someone as trusting and sweet as Pit."

Phosphora wasn't entirely sure why she was so upset about this being told this, her and Pit are on opposite sides and are technically enemies, I mean, c'mon! She has no problem kicking his ass, but to hurt him emotionally? That's low, like the Underworld level low.

Dark Pit looks at her, trying not to let his guilt show, the guilt didn't come from what she was saying since it wasn't actually true, but it came from the fact that he was letting her believe it.

"I thought you were better than that." She mutters, just loud enough for him to hear, which caused him to close his eyes, silently wincing. That hurt a little, he'll admit.

With a final glare at the angel she begins to float on ahead, leaving him there to stare at her back and question his life's choices.


Finally everyone arrived to the Goddess of Nature's throne room, and by everyone I mean like four people excluding her.

Viridi stared down at the four of them, grinning evilly. 'That's never a good sign.' Dark Pit thought to himself.

Or maybe she's just enjoying being 'tall' for once, since the throne was fairly high up off of the floor.

"You're probably wondering why I gathered you all here." Viridi speaks, her eyes scanning her four commanders.

"Is it something urgent Mistress Viridi?" Arlon asks, looking at her with curiosity.

"Not entirely, but I do have something to tell you all." She declares, her gaze going to all of them before stopping on Dark Pit after saying that sentence.

He looks at her confused, eyes widening slightly in worry. 'Why is she looking at me like that?'

Viridi smirked, looking back to the other commanders before saying;

"We're going to attack Skyworld."

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