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Every rational part of my brain was screaming at me to follow behind her as she disappeared up the steps from the cellar, and just as I was about to take the first step to do so, a hand reached out to grab my shoulder.

"Just give her a little bit of time to process, man." Steve says from behind me. I drop my head and sigh heavily. "Her life was just flipped upside down." he adds, causing me to snap my head over my shoulder and send him an aggravated glare.

"Don't you think I know that?" I spat, more harshly than I had originally intended. "I know Cleo and I know how she copes. She needs me." I defend. "Now let me go." I demand, shrugging out of his hold.

He holds his hands up in surrender and I take that as my cue to leave. Within seconds, I was in the house and up the stairs, pushing my bedroom door open. As soon as I entered the room, muffled sobs coming from the other side of the bathroom door filled the space. I could feel my heart clenching at the sound and a burning sensation building behind my eyes.

She doesn't deserve this. This life she was given, the hand she was dealt. Even in the midst of her entire existence being questioned, she wouldn't allow herself to show weakness. She waited until she was behind closed doors to let her emotions take over. 

My feet slowly carry me to the door and my heart breaks more with every step I take. Her whimpers tear me apart from the inside out, shredding me into tiny pieces. Through her cries I hear her speaking in her native tongue and although I have no idea what she's saying, the strain in her voice let's me know how much pain she's in.

"Tha mi cho, cho duilich." she cries out followed by a series of sniffles and coughs. A frown takes over my features and before I could stop myself, I carefully pushed the door open only to be met with a sight that shattered my entire existence completely.

The water was running as she sat on the floor, leaning back against the cabinets with her legs pulled to her chest and her head tucked in between her knees. Her arms are wrapped tightly around her shins as her bloodied hands trembled against her arms, staining her flawless porcelain skin a crimson red. Her body shook as strangled sobs escaped her lips.

"Cleo?" I announce my presence softly, not wanting to startle her. Her head snaps up to meet my gaze. Her eyes are red and puffy, cheeks stained with tears. 

My eyebrows come together as I take in her current state. Her lip wobbled and in a flash, I was on the floor at her side, pulling her tiny frame into my side. My arms wrap around her shuddering figure while I whisper soothing words into her honey and vanilla scented tresses.

"Shhh," I coo as I stroke her hair softly. "It's okay, baby girl. I'm here." I assure her because I don't know what else I can say. Nothing anyone can say will make it all better for her. "I'm not going anywhere."

Not now, not ever. 

She snuggles further into my chest and her hand clutches onto my t-shirt for dear life as she continues to cry, her tears soaking into the fabric that lays over my heart. 

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