Meeting the family part 2

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Rachel P.O.V

Rachel: Everyone this is Jesse

Quinn: Hi

Jesse: Nice to see you again Quinn

Quinn: You too you look great

Jesse: Thank you

Will: Good to see you again Jesse

Jesse: You too Mr Schuester

Will: It's Will

Jesse: Thank you

Noah: Relax we won't kill you

I see Jesse visibly relax a bit after Noah mentions that

Jesse: Thank you

Noah just nods to him but I'll take it because I know Noah isn't happy with this but if he can't do anything about it he will be mutual

Rachel: Shall we sit?

Will: yes let's

I make sure I sit next to Jesse as Quinn and Noah sit opposite with dad at the head of the table.

Dinner actually goes better then I expected it was perfect in fact dad and Jesse spoke about Glee club and Jesse's future whilst Jesse brought up about Beth to Quinn and we spoke about all our prison meetings it was almost like everything was back to normal even Noah was trying to make conversation which made me so happy that he decided to try and make peace of some sort.

After dinner is finished dad suggests Jesse and I sit in the living room and that's how we end up except for we're cuddled together which feels oddly strange.

Rachel: This feels strange

Jesse: Us sat cuddling together

Rachel: Yeah I mean we haven't been with each other for nearly 4 years and now we're here

Jesse: Did you ever think you would be see me again

Rachel: Honestly no I thought that was it for us all I mean last time I saw you it wasn't pretty and then I finally answers your visiting letters and decided to open up and see you and what a good choice it was

Jesse: defiantly and now we're heading for New York and nothing could be more perfect

Rachel: sounds good

We sit cuddling for a while before Jesse decides it's time for him to go and they all say goodbye to him even Noah as Jesse leaves I walk him outside to the gate still in my pyjamas

Jesse: I've had a great time

Rachel: Me too

Jesse: Can I do something

Rachel: Sure

Suddenly his lips come in contact with me and I feel complete Jesse is what I've been missing these few years with me thinking Finn was my true love it wasn't it was Jesse.

It was Jesse

Jesse St James had my heart all along

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