Happy birthday Rachel *edited and changed*

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its been 2 days since Finn announced Quinn's pregnancy and in them 2 days has been one hell of a train wreck.

Wills P.O.V

Today is Rachel's 17th and sectionals, I can't believe my little girl is 17, everything seems to be a tiny bit better, Rachel and Puck have learnt to deal with Quinn's pregnancy together which makes me happy that they both have each other.

I wake up at 6am and get ready for work I decide to wake Rachel up at 6:30.

Will: happy birthday kiddo

Rachel: morning

Will: presents later or now?

Rachel: maybe later

Will: ok kiddo

Rachel's P.O.V

It's sectionals day today the glee club seem to have joined together just for this moment. I'm woken up by dad at 6:30, I'm now 17 just another year older, deciding I want to open my presents later I get up and change into some jeans, converse and an long sleeved tee shirt I leave my hair down in waves as I freshen up and go downstairs to see my dad in the kitchen making traditional birthday pancakes.

This happens every year dad always makes pancakes for birthdays he usually makes the amount of how old you are so today he's making 17 teddy bear pancakes.

I don't mind them teddy bear because it's traditional and they are so yummy. He presents them to me with a mountain of things to put on them but my favourite strawberries and chocolate with some whipped cream yum I dig in as soon as they are placed in front.

When I'm half way the doorbell rings and dad goes to get it when Noah and Santana barge in

Santana: happy sectionals day birthday

Noah: here's your presents

Rach: thanks you guys, you're both the best

I hug them tightly because they are the best people ever including my dad. We then all sit down and also eat more pancakes as dad places my presents with the others.

Noah: so are you excited for sectionals?

Rach: very I can't wait

Will: well we need to be setting of soon

Rach: ok I'm now done

Santana: let's go then

We then walk to dads car and dad drives us to school and because it's sectionals day we're of the timetables so we can rehearse then leave at 12pm.

We walk into the choir room and see everyone talking and laughing with each other it's a nice sight to see everyone finally getting along... Except Quinn whose sat at the back looking into space.

Noah: you alright?

Rach: yh let's practise

Will: right guys we have 3 hours before we have to leave let's practise

We then practise the routines and the songs until we're so tired that we rest to save the energy for later, Quinn is clearly struggling to deal with everything and is finding everything very hard today, she's not putting the effort that I know she has into the performance, there's always tears in her eyes I just wish it was a different situation as bad as it sounds.

Will: right guys it's time to go

We're all buzzing in excitement, Santana Noah and I sit at the back of the bus talking about sectionals and Christmas, when we arrive we're led into a green room where we are all given our costumes and all changed in separated changing rooms, we all arrive back in the green room most of us taking photos till the lights in the room flash.

Will: it's time, ok good luck show them what you've got

We all hug my dad and rush to the side of the stage no one can see us because the curtains closed someone gives me a microphone and I'm shaking nervously.

San:knock them dead girl let the stress out in the song just remember were all here for you

I walk up to her and pull her to me crushing her into a massive bear hug along with Noah

Rach:I love you Santana Marie Lopez

Santana: I love you too Rachel Barbra Berry

Anouncer:and from william Mckinely HIgh School The New Directionssssssssssssssssssssssss

Santana:knock them dead

The song plays and I walk on the stage and belt out my first solo, Barbra, My Man it shocks nearly everyone in the audience after I finish everyone is on their feet and the group come out, I get in my place and we all perform You Can't Always Get What You Want.

It ends and everyone again is on their feet clapping, the guys them run of the stage leaving me alone in the middle of the stage, yes that's right I have another solo, Don't Rain On My Parade I perform with the best that I've got and it's obviously enough because the audience again are on their feet clapping.

I smile running of stage and I hug my dad tightly, who hugs me back and we enter the green room where we have a glee hug with everyone included because as much as we all argue, we're all kind of there for each other even though it doesn't seem like it these past few days.

We're all in the green room for about an hour taking selfies or we're all sat talking to each other and I keep looking back at Quinn whose sat in the corner of the room by herself, Finns on the other side of the room in one of his moods obviously something happened between them.

Our lights in the green room flash again

Will: ok guys whatever happens today we still have each other ok

Everyone: ok

Will: well let's go

We all rush to the stage and we pile on the stage with the other show choirs, dad in the middle of us, we all have our heads down holding each other's hand.

Rod Remington and the other judges walk on the stage, the audience clapping as they stand by the trophies, I'm so nervous

Rod Remington:And the winner of show choir 2012 sectionals is... From William McKinley High School

We all scream hugging each other I jump into Noah's arms as he lifts me up both cheering I then go to hug Santana who crushes us both, I then go to dad and hug him and by the time we walk of the stage I've hugged everyone.

We finally won

This is the best birthday ever

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