Taking a trip down memory lane

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Rachel P.O.V

I wake up the next day at 10 I mean it it Saturday and I'm ready for a full day shift at the sweet shop with Quinn I change into my work uniform and head downstairs tying my hair up ready for the day ahead of stacking shelves.

Quinn: Remind me why I agreed to work a Saturday

Rachel: Because it's a shift with me and I'm brilliant

Quinn: I suppose so you ready to go?

Rachel: Yup lets go

I grab my bag and jacket and we both get in my car as I drive to work both getting out we open up the shop and set up as customers start coming in.

The day goes on like that until it starts settling down around half 4 30 minutes before we shut.

Quinn: So what you doing tonight?

Rachel: well I'm driving whilst Jesse gives directions

Quinn: And you're just friends

Rachel: Just friends

Quinn: For now

Rachel: Who knows

Quinn: So will I see him today?

Rachel: Maybe not yet

Quinn: Oh what? Please

Rachel: not yet not until we've figured it out

Quinn: Fine I guess

Rachel: You can start heading off now if you want I think I can manage

Quinn: You sure?

Rachel: Positive

Quinn: Thank you

She hangs up her apron and grabs her stuff leaving it's not a long walk from here to home so she agreed to walk whilst I start slowly shutting up waiting for Jesse.

Jesse: Nice place

Rachel: Why thank you

Jesse: So you ready

Rachel: Do I look okay in my uniform

Jesse: You look amazing

Rachel: Just friends remember

Jesse: And I can't call my friend amazing

Rachel: Not when you're eyeing them up and down

We both chuckle as I put on my jacket and set the alarm and lock up we both pile in my car.

Rachel: So where to?

Jesse: Benji's

Rachel: That's like half an hour away

Jesse: So? You know you want to go to that amazing sweet shop and visit Benji's and go on the pier and play arcade games and watch sunset

Rachel: Alright let's go

Jesse: That's the spirit

I then start driving to the place in mind Jesse often messing around with the radio us both singing along like we use to with his ipod.

Jesse: You know what was a great mix

Rachel: The St Berry cd mix

Jesse: Exactly

He laughs and I can't help but admire him as he throws his head back and laughs whilst humming away to Queen.

Once we arrive to the beach I park on the pavement paying for at least 4 hours and Jesse leads us to Benji's which is a cute little restaurant on the sea front basically Italian and it sells the most amazing homemade pizzas and chocolate milkshake once we get in they lead us to a small table Jesse sat opposite me.

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